*chapter 7*

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Minyoung's POV

I woke up 9:00 in the morning.  I also remember that I need to text Jun if I'm free this evening. Well, I'm not busy need, I just need to tell Minsoo if I can go with Jun this evening. I stood up from my bed and I quickly rush onto Minsoo's room to see if she's awake now.

As I open her bedroom's door, I saw her laying in her bed with a guy next to her. I looked at them and they are sleeping peacefully. And the thing is, Minsoo is hugging the guy next to her. What should I do?.

"Minsoo, wake up! it's already 9:00 in the morning!." I yelled waking her up. She groaned and the boy too.

"Oh, good morning Minyoung." She said and sat on her bed. She looked at her left to see the guy next to her.

"Woozi! Did you sleep next to me?." She asked the boy and he nodded.

"Yes sweetheart. You said I can sleep next to you that's why I lay down beside you." The boy said and Minsoo gave me PEACE look.

"Wait! You called her sweetheart? Are you two dating?." I asked shockedly. I can't believe what's happening in here.

"No! Were not dating Minyoung. This guy really called me sweetheart. Believe me Minyoung, were not dating." Minsoo said and I nodded.

"Okay fine! I need to ask if I can come with Jun this evening for our date." I asked and she nodded.

"Sure Minyoung! You can come if you want. It's okay to me. Just enjoy your date this evening." She said and I smiled. I quickly go back to my room to text Jun that I'm coming this evening.

Phone Conversation*

Hey Jun, It's me Minyoung. I'm coming to our date this evening.

Sounds good! I'll pick you up at 6:00 pm. Dress nicely okay.

Okay Jun, you too.

5:30 PM*

"Minsoo, help me picked up a dress to wear." I said and she nodded.

"That one Minyoung. That dress suits you very well." She said and pointed the dress that I picked.

I quickly changed to this beautiful dress and I tied my hair into ponytail. I looked into the mirror I saw myself with this hairstyle. I breathe heavily and I go downstairs because Jun might come here in 15 minutes. I saw Minsoo playing with her phone and she looked at me.

"WOW!! You look very pretty Minyoung. I'm sure might end up fall for you if he sees you tonight." Minsoo said and I blushed.

"Don't say that Minsoo. I think Jun already have a girlfriend." I said and she smirked at me.

"If he had a girlfriend then why would he asked you on a date tonight. Think Minyoung!." Minsoo said and I nodded. I won't fall for him okay, were just friends.

Suddenly, I heard a car horn. I'm pretty sure that it's Jun. I looked at Minsoo and she nodded. I took my bag and I go to where Jun is. I saw him looking at me. Damn, he's really handsome tonight.

"Wow, you look beautiful Minyoung. Nice dress you got." Jun said and I blushed.

"You too Jun, you look handsome tonight." I said and he signalled me to seat to the passenger seat. 

He opened the door for me and I thanked him. He started to drive and I don't know where are we going tonight.

10 Minutes Later*

"Here we are Minyoung." Jun said and he opened the car door for me.

"Thanks Jun, where are we?." I asked and he smiled at me.

"You'll see Minyoung. Come with me, I'll take you somewhere." He said and hold my hand. I blushed and we started walking. 

"Here we are." He said and I'll look around. Why are there so many people here.

"Where are we Jun?." I asked and we sat on the chair with full of roses.

"Were going on a date dance Minyoung. I just want to ask you if you can dance with me this evening?." He asked and he offered his hand.

"Yeah sure." I said and accept his hand. He dragged me the ballroom and we started to dance.

"Wow, I didn't know that you're good at dancing Minyoung. We can be a great partner here." He said he placed his hand on my waist.

"You too Jun." I said shyly and I placed my arms on his neck.

We stared at each other and I looked at his innocent eyes. His eyes looked mine and I can feel my heart beating faster when I looked at him. 

"Do you want to have some dinner for a while?." Jun asked me and we stopped dancing.

"Oh sure, Besides, I'm a little bit hungry." I finally said and he laughed.

"Haha, me too. Let's go before the food gets cold." He said and we sat next to each other.

"So, how's your first day of school with us as your new classmates." He asked and I pout.

"Great. But I hate my seatmate because he's too annoying and I hate him." I said and Jun raised his eyebrows.

"Is it Mingyu your comparing for?." He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah! How did you know?." I asked and he laughed again.

"Because I know his attitude Minyoung. Everyone in our class knows him. He's such a flirty guy and he can flirt to anyone like a transfer student like you. So don't you dare to flirt with him." He warned me and I nodded.

"Yeah I know, Joshua warned me about that. I really hate him and I don't like him." I said and he smiled and I looked at him.

"So, what are we going to do next?." He asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Uhm, I don't know. Maybe we can chat about our life." I said and he smiled.

"Did you feel inlove with someone else before?." Jun asked and I didn't know that to say.

"Uhm, I haven't been inlove before because I'm too young to fall for someone else. Maybe, I should study first." I explained and he nodded for a while.

"Me too, I don't think I'm ready to love someone this time. But maybe I can fall for this woman because everytime I looked at her, I feel comfortable. I wish that she'll be my seatmate this time" He explained and I could feel my heart shattered into pieces. Who is that woman?.

"Wow, you're inlove Jun. May I know her name?." I asked and he looked away.

"I don't think you can know her name because you'll know her. And she's very lucky that I'll fall for someone like her." He said and I nodded.

"It's okay if you can't tell her name to me. I understand you Jun." I said and he looked at my eyes.

His hand slowly caressed my cheek and I feel my face heating up. He slowly moved closer and I can feel his breath on me. Then I realized that his lips touched mine. He slowly pulled away and I can't believe that he did that. He stole my first kiss. Why did you do that Wen Junhui.

"Your the one I'm telling for Minyoung. I'm inlove with you. When I first met you, I didn't know what my heart feels. My heart says it's you Jung Minyoung." He said and I remain speechless. So he likes me. What am I going to say.

"Uhm, I didn't know what to say Jun. But I can't return my feelings yet." I said and he smiled at me.

"I understand you Minyoung. Let me court you first and I'll guess that I have the chance to be your boyfriend." He said and I smiled slightly.

"I'll think about it Jun." I said and he hugged me.

"Thank you Minyoung for giving me a chance." He said and I smiled at his hug. Am I ready to give him a chance. He's not a bad boy. 

𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬♡Where stories live. Discover now