Chapter 16

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"Ow, ow, damn, OW!"

Slapping the doctor's hands, he tugged at the stitch until it tied off and gives me a scowl.

"You shouldn't move on that leg for a while." He grumbled, taking the metal basin with him as he headed for the sink.

I glared at his retreating back and retrieved my pants before putting them on.

"And you should know not to hurt a lady," I scoffed, annoyed. After that whole interrogation thing, Fury sent me to the infirmary where I was treated for my injuries.

The worst one was Clint's arrow but I'll heal.

Besides the doctor was acting like a total ass.

"Can I leave now?" I said slowly, not bothering to hide the sarcasm in my voice.

"Don't move on that leg!" He shouted back as I leave, slamming the door behind me.


Who the fuck likes needles goddammit?


Despite the doctor's orders, I leaned my weight on both my legs, opting to ignore the pain shooting up my body.

What doesn't kill me makes me stronger right?


I turned, raising an eyebrow at the newcomer as I was walking down the hallway towards the Bridge.

"You shouldn't be walking." Natasha scowled at me, jumping at the last step of the stairs to get to me.

"Oh you know me," I say sarcastically. "I'm classy that way."

She shook her head and the both of us began to walk ahead. "Clint's sorry he stabbed you," She looks at me with a small smile.

"Well I did try to kill him too," Openly shrugging, I remembered how I was crushing his windpipe.

"How is he?"

Natasha's expression grew sour. "He's struggling. He keeps saying that his mind won't let him rest. Like it keeps asking him to do things."

I frowned, feeling slightly angry at what she said. Barton got controlled by another energy source that had the same Gamma radiation as the Tesseract, it was understandable.

"I'm going to check up on him, you want to come with me?"

I shook my head, crossing my arms over my chest. "Nah, I got something I need to do."

She nodded and banked left, leaving me alone.

Once I could no longer feel that she was nearby, I expanded my abilities and searched the Hellicarrier for the one person I wanted to find.

There you are.

His energy was dim but it was nearby which was all that mattered.

Turning right, I climbed down several flights of stairs and headed to the detention level.

It took longer than I wanted to since almost every Agent that passed me had a tensed energy that would've knocked me over if I hadn't learned to control it.

The sorrow and anger in the ship were so strong and it was messing my mind.

I approached the detention level slowly, peering in carefully, only to be greeted by two figures, standing opposite each other, talking.

Rogers and Stark.


The energy wave they gave off tells me they were arguing. Quite violently too.

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