Chapter 17

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"We don't know what's waiting for us in New York," Steve said loudly, enough for us all to hear.

We were in the Quinjet, heading to New York.

Don't ask where we got the ship, it involved a brilliant plan of Steve strutting to one of the Agents handling it and saying;

"Son, just don't."

We had to sneak out to avoid Fury finding us and boy would he be pissed. Tony left in his suit earlier on, so he'd probably reach there faster since he's the only one out of all of us that can fly.

Natasha and Clint were piloting the Quinjet while I lingered behind them, exploring every crevice of the ship with curiosity.

It doesn't take long for us to near our destination.

My abilities were flaring on their own as they react to the Tesseract.

It was alarming for Natasha when Steve told her I was going together with them. Given the Cube's unstable abilities, I can understand why the Spy was worried, but I waved it off telling her I can control it.

Hell, I've always been a good liar.

Even now as I pace back and forth I can feel power, rushing through my veins. Unlimited, overpowering energy. I knew it was because the portal was ready to start. It edged me further.

"I'll tell you what's waiting for us in New York, Loki's Christmas like hair."

Barton laughed and shook his head as the Quinjet veered near the awaiting City.

Steve was amused. Despite the fact that we were on a mission, he couldn't help the smile that spread across his face. "We should stay sharp. We don't know what's coming."

I agreed wholeheartedly.

Natasha took out an earpiece from beneath the panels and held it out to me. I took it, quickly slipping it into my ear and turning it on.

"Okay, so what's the plan again?" I asked, stretching my limbs. "Assuming we have one."

I was wearing a new design courtesy of Agent Romanoff.

It was a sleek black halter that left my shoulders bare but my arms covered. There was also an inbuilt hoodie and a slip-on mask situated by my neck.

The rest of the outfit ended at my ankles with material that clung at me like a second skin.

The colour of bluish green lined the sides and the stitching, giving it a signature look to my powers.

It was dominating.

"Stop the portal from opening?" Tony says through the comm as he flew towards the city.

"Yeah, and when that fails?"

"Not helping Blues," He grumbled out loud.

Steve frowns at my lack of support.

"I'm just looking at the worst-case scenario!"

Both Natasha and Barton shook their heads.

Well, I wasn't helpful at all.

"Tony when you see Loki don't engage," Steve commands from the comm. "Keep him distracted."

"Right Capsicle, don't worry about me."

I frowned. I'm worried about him.


Despite everything, a part of my mind tugs at me. Urging me to remember. Remember what?

"Lys, what's happening?"

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