Chapter 44

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I hate this place.

I remembered just how much I hated it.

"Ne trogay menya!"

Don't touch me!

I shout, shoving him away with a newfound determination. My anger is unrestrained, my confusion even more so.

He stills, hands apart and eyes narrowed.

I shouldn't be angry at him.

But I am.

And I don't know why.

"-Hey, once you're done dilly-dallying with Patchy, Russian and the Capsicle, come on down to California--"

These voices in my head are familiar, but I can't seem to understand where they come from.

Who is he?

When I close my eyes, I see his brown eyes, his brown hair, his smile--no.


What were our orders?

Kill Steven Rogers.

Kill Natalia Alianovna romanova.

Kill Sam Wilson.

Kill those who get in our way.


Obey who?

My mind rattles and I shook my head, the built-up too much for me to handle.

The names are familiar and a familiar hiss of a voice tells me to forget them.

"Why did you take me back?" I demanded, eyes burning with hatred.

The Winter Soldier shakes his head. He is unable to respond. The two of us know this.


It's what we do.


Don't question it.

But every fibre in my being wants me not to follow it.

And I don't know why.

We're prepping ourselves for the battle that is about to commence. We know any hesitance will ruin the plan. So we've hidden above one of the roofs, overseeing the base below.

"Ne delay nichego glupogo," He warns me, getting into position at the area we were forced to settle in.

Don't do anything stupid.

Even though it has been long since we saw each other, his protectiveness knows no bounds.

I glare at him. "I think I've earned my right of doing everything stupid,"

My response is not in Russian so this time, he knows I'm pissed off.

He rolls his eyes, turning back around to focus on what's ahead of us. We wait and wait, standing so still it seemed like we were statues.

But this is what we do best.

This is what we are trained for.

No matter how long it takes, whether rain or shine, we need to do as we're ordered.

The air between us is swirling like the calm before the storm as we watch the people below--watch for threats.

"No mask?" I raised an eyebrow at him, my voice coming out muffled through my own inbuilt mask.

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