Chapter 27

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"We wear red so they don't see us bleed. Hundred dollar bills under our sleeve..."

Shaking my hips side to side, I allowed the music to flow through me and momentarily forgot I was in a jet filled with males.

"We intend not to sleep till we're dead. Drink our problems right out of our heads, saying oh, oouhh, ouuh, oh, trouble~"

Spinning around the cockpit, I ignored how many of the STRIKE team around me gave me glances that would bypass as amusement but I knew better.

The STRIKE team were ogling me up and down and I'm only doing it to get a kick out of Natasha and a certain Captain.

Running fingers through my hair, I tilted backwards, twirling, allowing the music to die out.

"Trouble... saying oh, oouhh, ouuh, oh, trouble~"

Steve shifted on his feet and it caught my attention as he glared at one of the team members before quickly looking away when I caught him.

I resisted a smirk.

Natasha rolled her eyes and stood up to head over to the controls muttering something along the lines of; "If I didn't like you, I'd kill you."

I let her pass with a smirk and twirled around once more before settling down on the far corner of the jet.

Brock Rumlow, the leader of the STRIKE team shakes his head and gives me a mischievous smile.

I pouted.

I've gone through missions with him before so he already knew how childish I was.

"Right, we're coming up on the drop-off."

Natasha made her way out, signalling us to get ready. Steve grabs hold of his shield and held it, mirroring Natasha's actions.

Rumlow stood up, his sudden action causes all members of the STRIKE team to rise from their position and gather around.

"The target is a mobile satellite launch platform: The Lemurian Star."

Lemurian Star?

I frowned at the name, feeling as though I'd heard of it before.

Rumlow continues by pulling out a monitor by the racks and showing us the detailed mapping of the ship.

"They were sending up their last payload when pirates took them, 93 minutes ago."

Steve crosses his arms over his chest. "Any demands?"

Rumlow shrugged. "A billion and a half."

Steve's frown deepened. "Why so steep?"

Brock does not hesitate to reply. "Because it's SHIELD's."

What? Are they serious?

I watch as the Captain sighed out in frustration. His emotion was practically wafting out in waves.

"So it's not off-course, it's trespassing," Steve grunted.

To be honest, even I was surprised. Why would Nick want us to handle such an easy mission? Was there something on the Lemurian Star?

"Nick wants us to retrieve it?" I comment, glaring at Natasha for saying it was such an important mission beforehand.

"I'm sure they have a good reason," Natasha defended, ignoring my question.

"You know I'm getting a little tired being Fury's janitor." Steve scoffed.

Something in that sentence made me feel offended. I knew that Steve was usually handed out high-level missions, but it didn't mean that this mission wasn't as important as the rest.

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