Chapter 42

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Let the soundtrack run its course.

You'll see what I mean...

Vote and comment because why not?

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My back ached like a bitch and I swear to throttle him later on. He had a metal arm, how was that fair to me?

"You idiot, did you enjoy that?"

I spat bitterly, wiping away my bloodied nose.

He stands in front of me, arms crossed and features blank.

"Doesn't matter what I enjoy, they want you trained."

I scoffed. "And does this training require you to throw me against a wall?"

His features lightened up for a moment before holding out a hand for me to take.

I graciously took it but just before I could stand, I whip out my leg and snaked it around his torso, bringing him down with a thud.

He groaned and I rolled off, smirking at his obvious pain.

"Yes, now you know how I feel."

The door behind us open and I could feel my body tense at the newcomers.

The Winter Soldier gets up from his position and stands next to me, mirroring my actions which were head bow low, hands to our sides.

"I see you are progressing much quicker than we anticipated."

It's him.

Every time he speaks, I feel like combusting him apart. My hands trembled, only the soldier next to me notices this.

"Steady," He whispers in Russian, eyeing me from the corner of his eye. I sense how his muscles tensed up, ready to do what is needed should things go astray.

"Every time I see him, I feel angry, why?" I hissed back, demanding to know.

He shakes his head, his glare forcing me to stay silent.

Listen, obey, follow orders.

That's all we know.

We're not allowed to think of anything else.

We never really remember.

We weren't allowed to.

Moments like this.

Me and him, training together, they're clear.

But other than that it was like a blackout.

One we never questioned.

"Your next mission is in 0600 hours. Be ready." The man in front of us says, directing his words to me.

I look up in confusion. This was one of the first times they're letting me go on a mission alone.

My whole instinct is to wonder why the Winter Soldier isn't going to go with me.

They've never separated us before. Not for a long time.

We stuck together because we knew we were pawns, because we knew if we wanted to escape, we needed to obey.

In those moments when things are clear and our memories are hazy, we would converse, talk about our past, present, future--talk about how we needed to escape.

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