Chapter 43

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"He's gonna be there you know,"

Steve broke away from his thoughts about Bucky back during the war.

His mother had died from tuberculosis and he remembered Bucky walking him home after the Funeral. The sorrow and grief that had consumed him seemed almost impending.

But Bucky was there.

Bucky stayed beside him, made odd jokes and stupid remarks all so that Steve could smile.

He can't say if those were the good ol' days or the bad ones.

"I know," Steve sighs, uncrossing his arms over his chest as he looked at Sam who approached him.

"Natasha's says she might be there too," Sam added, watching the Super Soldier reaction.

Steve's figure shrunk.

The two people he loved were about to go against him and he wasn't sure if he liked those odds.

Steve shook his head, deciding not to dwell on it. Millions of people are going to die if he doesn't do anything.

And Steve knows for a fact that both Bucky and Lorelie would happily agree on saving those people than mop around.

Sam looked around the bridge they were on, and let out his thoughts. "Look, whoever they used to be, the people they are now, I don't think they're the kind you save. They're the kind you stop."

He was right.

As much as Steve hated to believe that, some part of him knows what Sam's speaks, is the truth.

But could he really give up on them?

Both of them?

Bucky, his best friend and Lorelie the woman he's grown to care for.

After a moment of silence, Steve turned to Sam and gave him a quiet reserved look.

"I don't know if I can do that."

Steve knew it was impossible to give up on them.

It would have destroyed him.

Not after having realized all the moments, the words, the little gestures Lorelie had been giving him to be; signs.

She knew she was going to be captured and she didn't tell him.

He only figured it out after--when he realized what all those moments meant.

When she said; it was already happening and she couldn't stop it.

He should have held her close, should have told her it wasn't going to happen, he'll do whatever it takes to save her.

But she was gone now.


A bitter burning feeling swirled in his chest when he remembered that night.

That night when they put aside their fears.

When they embraced each other and the whole world settled on that one, minuscule moment and nothing else mattered but the two.

His emotions burned and he struggled to keep them contained.

He won't give up on her, he won't give up on either of them.

Sam shakes his head. "Well, they might not give you a choice. They don't know you."

"They will." Steve's gaze hardened.

He wasn't going to lose his best friend.

He was going to lose the woman he's grown to love.

Not again.

Steve turns the other way and begins to walk, each step closer to getting Bucky and Lorelie back.

"Gear up, it's time."

Sam watched Steve go with a confused expression. "You gonna wear that?"

Steve smiled. "No. If you're gonna fight a war, you gotta wear a uniform."

~~@ @ @~~

I will go radio silence in the next few chapters. I don't want to take away the seriousness of it later.

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