Chapter 36

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Next song:


Buckle up ;)

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For the rest of the ride, both Natasha and Steve relay the events of what happened before the Winter Soldier attack me and how they were now fugitives.

I'm guessing when SHIELD realizes I'm not coming to work in a few hours, they'll see I've gone rouge as well.

Of course, the only thing they'll see is how messy my apartment is.

Speaking of which who am I supposed to bill?

I can't exactly go up to the Winter Soldier and ask him to pay what he broke, it was absurd.

Besides that, I had another problem to deal with.

What problem would that be?


For the most part, I've done a pretty good job, staying professional around Steve.

If you've been noticing thus far, I'm never professional around him and he does not like it. Nope. Not one bit.

His frustration is clear whenever I look at him or speak to him.

Natasha doesn't realize this and she continues on like everything is normal.

Oh, if only she knew just how much I wanted to super shock the years out of him.

After a couple of hours on the highway and another hour or so on a dirt road, we managed to find the base following Natasha's monitor.

The truck eventually came to a stop and we all clambered out only to be faced with a large chain fence. It surrounded the entirety of the property which gave a clear indication that no one should be allowed entry.

"This is it," Steve glances around the base, slightly mirthful at what he sees as a hint of nostalgia peek through.

"The files came from these coordinates." Natasha looked down at her monitor for confirmation.

"So did I."

The Super Soldier's energy wafted back at me and I deduced he was experiencing a wave of pain I found pitying.

No, you're mad at him. Stay mad.

"Come on, it's getting dark," I said, dryly, weaving my fingers so the chain could spring open in front of us.

Blue green and gold filled the area in a blink of an eye before disappearing.

I walked in, with Steve and Natasha trailing behind me.

It was deserted, that much we could tell. It looks like no one has been home in a long time.

So what were the coordinates doing, bringing us here?

As we walked deeper into the base, I let Natasha do her thing with the monitor as I trudged around farther out, with my hands in the pocket of my hood.

The stars were shining brightly above us and the setting sun can be seen barely by the horizon.

I couldn't help but smile at nice it looked.

In this fucked up world there's not many that can make me smile.

"This is a dead end." I heard Natasha say from somewhere behind me.

"Zero heat signature, zero waves, not even radio. Whoever wrote the file must have used a router to throw people off."

That didn't sound right either.

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