Chapter 35

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The pain was intense, I'll give you that.

Who knew fighting a man with a metal arm without your powers would be so hard?

Limping up onto a fire escape of a random apartment, I leaned on the brick wall and sighed tiredly.

My entire body ached in pain having crashed out the window and receive multiple hits off a guy with a metal arm.

Metal, arm.

Let me tell you it hurts more than it looks.

Made worse when my abilities refuse to appear and they only got worse when the ringing in my ear grew unbearable.

So try having that in you, when you're fighting for your life from a guy who wants to take it back.


My energy was beyond spent at this point and any movement or inhale of air would shake my very lungs.

I remembered how hard I fought him when he tried to catch me but despite my training he still slightly overpowered me.

The only way to escape was to jump.

I just barely managed my escape after I stabbed him.

Whoever this guy is from my past, they must want me bad to have to send him through all this.

God, what should I do now?

The files are still left behind in my Apartment. There's no way I can go back there. There's no telling where Steve and Natasha are so I might be on my own.

Getting in touch with Tony would be a bad idea too seeing as though they may target him next.

My odds seemed pretty slim at the moment.

What a joke.

Distant sounds from below me made me aware of what was happening.

Scrambling to a kneeling position, I kept perfectly still as I watch a shadow dart over the alley.

Shit, did he come back for more?

Glaring at it, I stealthily climbed downwards, using my weight to my advantage.

The shadow is unaware of my approach. I've kept so perfectly still that the person doesn't realize I'm there until I strike out, swirls of blue, green and gold, manifesting themselves into a blade in front of the person.

Oh so now, they decide to appear.

Stupid powers.

The light illuminated the alley almost immediately around the same time a loud voice called for me to stop.

"Riles, don't!"


Looking bleakly at the person that has joined us, I let out a long relieved sigh before putting down the energy blade away from Steve's beautiful face.

"Steve, Nat...?" My voice sounded a little croaky as I sway on my feet.

Steve grips onto my arm gently so I could lean forward onto his shoulder.

"What happened?"

Despite being in pain, I released a small smirk towards my favourite Captain.

"Many things happened, you're going to have to be a bit specific."

When my knees started to buckle, Steve quickly steadies me with his arm.

"Your timing is terrible." He speaks bitterly but the tone of his voice implies he was more than relieved to see me.

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