Chapter 1

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"Where are the others?"

As if on cue, Alice slips into the room calling for me. I nearly sigh in relief.

"Ah, there you are Luce. I've been looking all over for you. I tried your room, the kitchen, the bathroom, the roof, the basement, which I should inform you in nonexistent by the way, the attic-" She finally notices Alex on the couch.

"Oh Alex is here. Why didn't you tell us our very late friend had arrived? I thought poor Lucky over there," she points in the said direction, "was going to tear apart furniture in his impatience. That's why I came looking for you, you see. I mean honestly for a guy nicknamed 'lucky' he certainly hasn't been bestowed with the best of it-"

"That's why we call him that. Because he is very unlucky." Alex interjects.

Ironic enough, Lucky shows up saving us all from Alice's next stream of babble. "Hey, I'm not that unlucky, mate! And, honestly, you're one to talk! I thought you'd never get here! You've got some nerve! Making us wait on you like you're royalty of some kind or another!" he replies heatedly.

"And you!" he turns to Alice, "You're a real pain in the ass, you know that? I was impatient enough waiting on him, and you wont shut up!"

"And Luce!"

I stiffen as he turns his anger on me.

"How could you leave me alone with that-That babbling monster!" Alice gives an offended look at this accusation, "I swear I thought my head was going to explode! My mind has been blown to bits by her non-stop chatter!" He heaves, lacking the energy to say anything else.

Alex rolls his eyes.

"As if you've got a mind to blow in the first place..."

Lucky opens his mouth to retort but nothing comes out. I sigh.

"Lucky, I apologize for leaving you alone with Alice. Alex it doesn't matter what you're caught up in you cant have us waiting with no clue as to when you'll be making your arrival. And Alice, how much sugar have you had today?"

The boys both make audible grunts that I acknowledge as affirmatives, while Alice turns pink.

"Umm... not... a lot."

"How much?" I repeat.

"... Two."

"Two teaspoons?"

"... Two jars..."

"TWO JARS!!!" Lucky explodes.

"And that's not a lot... How?" Alex asks, bewilderment clear in his widened eyes.

I bring a hand to my temple and sit on a couch, unable to deal with this. Alice is wailing; Lucky's yelling. Alex tosses himself on the adjacent couch, ignoring me and the rest of the commotion around us. Two jars! Is she insane?! Well actually she is. We all are in a sense-

The room instantly silences.

Nathan had just wheeled himself in.

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