Part II: Chapter 3

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Alex's statement from last night was true. The flight is long indeed.

Lucinda did not get much sleep despite her efforts and quickly dozed off after the plane's take off.

In one hand she clutches the fabric of my shirt while in the other she grasps my wrist so tightly, I can feel the bruise forming. Alex gives me a look of bloodlust which I ignore. I really don't care how much he wants to kill me. He'll figure that out soon enough.

Still I do not remove Lucinda from me. If it means she'll get some rest then I'll happily endure 1000x more pain as I am right now.

I run my fingers through her hair, and begin to understand why it has become her habit. It's calming for both of us. I feel myself begin to nod off too...

When I wake we have already landed and my arm is draped over Lucinda. She has been awake but hasn't moved from her original position. I remove myself from her to stetch and watch as she does the same. When I ask her about it, she simply shrugs and answers, "I didn't want to wake you," which I find ironic indeed.


Alice's timeshare is quaint.

It doesn't take long to get settled. Lucinda and I share one room. Alex is sharing a room with Seth and Alice and Adrian share the third room. We arrive late in the night and all anyone wants to do is sleep in an actual bed.

I lay in bed with my eyes closed waiting for Lucinda. I can feel her eyes on me. She hovers just above me, I expect her to kiss my forehead like she always does, so I pay no mind. To my surprise, however her lips press a timid kiss against mine! My eyes snap open. She sits on her knees motionless and wordless watching me as if to gauge my reaction. Even so, I notice a light flush in her cheeks. I lay perfectly still and stare back. After a moment, with a timid hand she lightly traces my jawline. Again I do not react. Then she hesitantly kisses me softly again. I return it. Her timid and gentle kisses and touch remind me of something but the fleeting memory slips from my mind before I can grasp it. However it brings with it anger.

"Stop." I hiss, much to her surprise.

I pin her against me, which perhaps defeats the purpose but at this point I don't care.

"Don't you get it?! I can't give you what you need!"

Her eyes shone brightly.

"No you don't understand. You are all I need."

Her eyes shine with tears. She shuts them, trying to will them away, no doubt. I feel my sudden flare of temper calm. I didn't mean to hurt her. I never do.

"Don't leave me..." she whispers, her voice cracking a bit. I'm not sure if she's talking to me or herself but the effect is the same.

Something about this statement coming from her breaks me, my anger dissolves, and I give in, pulling her close to my chest securely, as though comforting a child. She quivers and grasps me tightly. Like I'm her only lifeline. I cant help but find that rather ironic. I touch my lips to her head anyway.

As she buries herself into me she whispers, "I feel so safe with you..."

I'm amazed how she can say that so easily to not only the man who is ruining her life but a killer as well.

I feel her slipping from consciousness and mutter half to her and half to my self, "You shouldn't."

But she is fast to sleep and likely never heard those words.

Eventually I too decide to sleep. As I close my eyes I feel a dream playing on the edge of my mind.

Sea spray washes over us both and the salty air overwhelms the my senses.

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