Chapter 5

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I watch her go, stunned by the sudden outburst.

I don't recall ever seeing her like that. Something was off. But, I suppose it really isn't any of my business, so I let it go and trudge of to Chemistry. Lucky is already in class, which is pretty shocking. I don't think Lucky has ever been on time once in his entire life. Yet here he is.

When he sees me, he gives a nod of acknowledgement.

"Hey, where were this morning?" I ask, taking my seat next to him

He stiffens at the question.

"Just... With a friend."

"Really? Who?"

"Oh, you know... Just someone. From school."

"I see. And does this someone have a name?"

He appears to be panicking.

"Of-of course they have a name!"

"Care to elaborate?"

"Its none of your business!" he growls.

"Seems everyone is mad at me today..." I mutter under my breathe.

Once all students are present, class begins and I do everything but pay attention, as per usual. I can feel one of the preps glaring at the back of my head. So lean over pretending to fix my backpack and flip him off. He flinches, and I sit back up and act as if nothing happened. 

After letting my eyes wander around the room, I notice Lucky. He's been staring in the same direction for a while now.

Its not like him to pay attention. I follow his gaze and realize he's been staring at a student in the third row. I think his name is Adrian. He's not half bad in looks. Dark hair, green eyes. He dresses like one of us too. Charming.

I kick Lucky's chair. 

"Don't tell me you have a thing for Adrian." I chuckle.

His eyes widen.

"Of c-course not! I have n-no interest in him at all! I-I don't even swing that way!"

"Whatever you say..."

The rest of class passes without another word.


Calculus went by without incident. I keep getting dirty looks though. I wait patiently for Alex since we had agreed this morning that he would walk me to class. Alice had already left with Lucky. God knows what got him to actually be on time.

Finally, Alex arrives.

"You're late." I say.

Then, hurry past him. Unfortunately, he easily keeps pace and I really didn't need the extra attention I would get if I ran.

"Still upset, I see."

"Wow, that's a genius observation, Einstein."

He raises an eyebrow. "Sarcasm? Really?"

I roll my eyes.

"You act different when you're not around him."

I freeze. His signature grin is in place. He has me in a dangerous position and he knows it.

But then it fades and he gently holds my wrist and guides me forward. 

"We're going to be late."

Dazed I let him. As we walk he lets go of my wrist. Then I feel his arm wrap around my waist.

"What are you doing?" I ask, very shocked.

He whispers in my ear, "One of the jocks keeps staring at us. Just act natural."

I force myself to at least act calm, but all my senses keep screaming Danger! Danger! This is wrong!

He finally releases me when we get into class, and I refuse to speak for the rest of day.

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