Chapter 17

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Well this is a rather uncomfortable situation.

"Ah. Seth. I like you. I really do. But, um, this is neither the place nor time."

"Oh... I see. No, its fine. I understand."

"Um. See you later, then?"

"Yeah that's... fine."

I pull away from him. As he leaves, I kinda feel bad for the guy. But out of the corner of my eye, I see a mess of scarlet and black hair that I'd recognise anywhere, disappear out a door.

I wanted to make amends. So when I see Luce disappear behind the door, I follow.

"What do you want?" she says in a hard voice.

Why is everyone always mad at me?

I raise a brow.

"What's up with you?"

"Who was your friend back there?"

I actually felt my face warm.

"Oh. Uh... You saw that, huh?"

"Yes I did see you and your boyfriend snogging it up in the hall."

"Don't say that aloud!"

"Why? Are you embarrassed? You looked pretty unabashed back there to me."

"I didn't think anyone was watching!"


"What do you care, anyway?"


"Come on, Lucinda. We both know that's a lie."

"I don't care, okay! Just leave me alone!"

"Not a chance. I came here for a reason. And wasn't to argue with you."

I feel my patience wearing thin. Still, I make an effort not to shout.

"Then spit it out! What do want?"

"Why are you so upset?"

"Why? Because you're standing here, wasting my time being an idiot!"

Oh fuck it.

"Hey I just came here to make amends! I didn't think you'd be in such a foul mood!"

"Then you're an even bigger idiot than I thought!"

I seize her wrists in anger.

"You... You're such a bitch sometimes!"

She looks me dead in the eyes.

In the heat of it all, something comes over me and I kiss her. First she just freezes. For a second she kisses me back and it's perfect. It's like a taste of heaven. And then she struggles to get away from me like I'm a leper. When I don't back off straight away she forcibly shoves me.

"Get the fuck off me!"

"What the hell?"

I grab her arm. She snatches it away and slaps me across the face. As I stare at her in disbelief, she is fuming.

"Don't touch me."

"What, are you crazy?"

"Excuse me?! You kissed me! Out of no where! How dare you!"

"How dare I? How dare you you! You kissed me back!"

"And what about your boyfriend?!"

"I'm bisexual! What more do you want from me?!"

"Oh please! Lucky is gay! Do you really think I have homophobia!"

"I don't know! Maybe you're jealous! How should I know?"

"Jealous?!" she repeated the word indignantly.


"Why should I care about who you date?!"

"Yes do tell, why do you care who I date?!"

"I don't know!"

"Say it, Luce."

"I don't know! I don't know!"

"Answer the question!"

"Because- because-"

"Answer the damn question!"

"Because I'm confused! About you! About Nathan! I don't know how I can love both you and Nathan!" she sobs.

I stare at her dumbstruck. I was not expecting that.

"I... had no idea."

I reach for her but she flinches away.

"Dont touch me. I'm still mad at you."

"I kissed you okay! I'd do it again if I could! Is that such a bad thing?"

"You can't do that! You can't just kiss me!"

My anger sparks again.

"Yeah? Why? Because of him! Because of Nathan?!"


"Like I believe that!"

"Just leave him out of this!"

"You never express yourself with him! You're just empty! Emotionless! Like him!"

"You want me to express myself? Leave me me alone!"

"You can't just wish all your problems away, Lucinda!"

"You don't want me!" she screamed.

Before I could get another word in she spoke quietly.

"Because I'm not a virgin."

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