Chapter 2

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I watch Lucinda immediately rise.

"Nathan you're awake. Why didn't you call me to help you?"

"I found it difficult sleeping with the noise in here." he says flatly, "And I doubt you would have heard me over it."

She walks toward him as if some invisible force pulls her. She gently brushes his hair out of his eyes. Everyone else is silent with the apprehension he brings with him into the room.

I study Nathan as I haven't seen him in some time and he has changed a bit. He looks healthier and far less sickly than I remember. Luce must be making sure he eats proper meals. He has some meat on his bones. His blood red hair still covers half of his face but it seems to have grown, no longer shoulder-length. I suppose Lucinda hasn't gotten around to cutting it. Or he wont let her yet.

I watch her lightly lay a hand on his forearm.

"Are you hungry? You need to take your afternoon medication."

His dull grey eyes look tired. At last he gives a barely perceptible nod, then lets his head slowly fall forward, causing crimson locks to obscure his face.

"Alright." she says.

Then she dutifully wheels him through the door leading to the kitchen. The rest of us follow, after all we're hungry as well. Everyone settles at the dining table, leaving a space beside Nathan, while Luce hurries into the kitchen to prepare the meal. No one speaks because the mood is awkward and we are unsure as to what to say. Eventually, Alice decides to strike up a conversation with Lucky, ironically enough. I simply pick at the edge of my teal and black striped scarf. I see Nathan has opted to fiddle with one of his wheels for lack of anything better to do.

Nathan has always caused wariness and anxiety in most people who have the displeasure of meeting him. I'm not sure if it's an air of despair he carries with him or just his cool gaze but he always makes everyone uneasy. Everyone excluding Lucinda, at least. Though I suppose it wasn't always this. From what I've heard before his tragic accident, the one that landed him in the wheelchair, he was a cheerful and nice kind of guy. But that was a long time ago. And loss and grief have changed that. After that he came to depend solely on Luce.

I doubt Lucinda even minds, however. She loves taking care of him. Its obvious. It brings her joy to be able to care for the ones she loves. It's stupid, but she practically lives for it. And honestly, who am I to care? But with Nathan I don't think its just friendly love. I think she loves him. I think she has for a long time. It sounds like an impossible feat but I'm certain its true. I honestly don't know what she sees the hapnophobic. I doubt I ever will.

Soon enough Lucinda comes in with a large platter of fresh chicken and chips. She sets it down then retrieves a small bowel of steaming rice and a jug of water from the kitchen. After she sets it down, she serves Nathan first, as per usual. After setting the plain rice down in front of him, she goes on to serve everyone else.

Luce has a special way of knowing just how large a portion is necessary for each individual. For example Lucky, being a relatively larger fellow compared to dainty little Alice has a much larger portion, as is necessary for him. I suppose it could be considered brilliant, if it wasn't such a pointless skill.

We all tuck in quickly. It is Lucinda's cooking after all, and despite my indifference to her and people in general, I have to admit she is an amazing cook.

When we are done we all wash up and settle in the main room while Luce cleans up. Everyone pretty much does their own thing, save for Nathan who spends most of his time, if not all of it, with Lucinda. Honestly I think the two of them deserve each other. In fact, they can go to hell together for all I care.

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