Chapter 15

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Prom is in a few days and its all anyone talks about. Its annoying as hell but hopefully I can hold out for a few more days. All this nonstop chatter is torture though. How do the teachers deal with it? I guess that's why they cut down on homework so much. No one is able to pay attention in class enough anyway.

Things are normal enough at home, at least. Though Nathan hasn't been sleeping well. He's worried I'll have another nightmare despite how much time has passed. He makes up for it by sleep a little more in the day but its still not healthy.

I found him reading yesterday. It's an understatement to say I'm surprised. I don't know what might have caused him to want to divert his thoughts to a book. What makes even less sense is that he was reading Pride and Prejudice. I'm pretty confused but honestly a day he isn't lost in his depressing thoughts is a step forward in my book. No pun intended.

Maybe things will change for the better after all?

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