Chapter 19

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I open my mouth to speak but he seems dazed. The look on his face tells me he wants to be alone. I tell him I'm going inside and leave him to his thoughts.

The loud music is a bit of a shock after so much silence. I sit for a long time just watching those around me. After about half an hour later I decide to go check on Nathan.

I see a few students have come out for the fresh are as well. But Nathan isn't here. 

And then it happens.

A loud bloodcurdling scream shatters the night.

A group of students is already forming. I hurry over to see what happened. Before I get very far a someone catches my arm. I hold back a startled shout. An uber-slim goth girl looks at me with terrified eyes. The tiny girl looks pretty beat up by the looks of it. 

"Are you okay?"

She shakes her head. Her face is streaked with tears, her make up is smudged and running down her face, and she has little scratches and cuts all over her. 

"Come on."

I take her to where a the crowd was forming. I saw a few teachers arriving as well. It must be serious.

Then the girl with me screams.

And the scene hits me.

Blood everywhere. And bodies. A lot of bodies. All decorated with mutilating crosses.

"I'm calling the cops! This is mass murder!" I hear Mr. Mills say.

Suddenly everyone is swarming around us.

"What-what happened?"

Another teacher addresses me.

"We should ask you the same question. How did you get away from whoever caused this?"

"What? I don't-"

Then I started to panic.


"Where! Where is Nathan?!"

"What? Nathan? He's not here... Was he taken by whoever did this?"

It was useless to ask, I was already gone. Not that I know anything as it is. I push through the crowd and run. I have to find him. I have to find Nathan.

After what felt like hours I spotted him.


 I try to process what I am seeing. Is Nathan dead? Is he hurt?

I can see someone moving moving.

Finally I register to scene before me.

There is a dead body. Its in front of him. And he's stabbing it relentlessly. The killer? Nathan killed him? Then I see the look in his eyes. It's manic, and sick. 

"I told you not to touch her! I told you! Now you will suffer!"

I ran to him as fast as my legs could carry me. I wrapped my arms around him trying to get him to stop.

"Nathan! Stop! It's okay! I'm fine! Nathan! He's already dead!"

It didn't seem to register because he only resisted.

"Nathan! Nathan look at me!"

I forced him to look at my face. As he did his expression went blank. His body relaxed and he let me hold him.

Oh my God. What happened? Did Nathan really kill him? What is going on?

Teacher's are over soon enough.

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