Chapter 7

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Its Friday. The week is over at last. As we walk I cant help but notice how anxious Alex seems. He keeps looking over his shoulder. Finally he pulls me into a corner.

"We're being followed." he says.

"Um. Alex do we really have to hide here. Its going to imply-"

He covers my mouth.

Is he crazy?! This is where couples go to-

As a pair of guys make their way toward us Alex removes his hand and promptly replaces it with his mouth.

I let out a little squeak of disapproval, but both the taste and scent of him are intoxicating, and I cant bring myself to pull away. Suddenly Nathan's face flashes in front of my eyes and guilt consumes me. No.

Before I can get away, however, a hand grabs Alex by the back of his shirt.

Two large boys look down at us. Well they look down on me. Alex on the other hand is rather tall.

They look like football players. One of them is larger than the other. The larger one grips Alex's shirt.

"Hey! What's your problem?" Alex asks in mock anger.

A cruel grin spreads across the two guys' faces.


And they attack him.

I admit Alex does a rather good job in defending himself, for a while. That is, until the smaller guy pulls out a Swiss army knife.

Then my own instincts take over.

I don't really remember what happened. One second, I watch the knife sink into Alex's shoulder, and the next I'm on the ground, Alex holding me down.

"Get off!"

"Give my the knife and I will!"


"I need to know that you wont kill them!"

I look in my hand and see the Swiss army knife. And its covered in blood. Alex grabs it immediately.

As promised he gets off of me.

I look at my hands. They're covered in blood too. So are my clothes.

I look at Alex. He notices me eyeing his shoulder.

"It's not mine."

Then I notice the bodies.

The two boys are lying on the ground. And they're both covered in blood.

"D-did I do that?

Alex doesn't look at me. He just looks at the boys.

"Yeah. You did."


When everything is over and I know I'm not going to be arrested, I finally go home. Except I come home to Alex instead of Nathan. This bothers me, but I'm not entirely sure why. I see he is still bleeding, so I go and get medical supplies wordlessly. As I work he only watches me. At last, as I'm bandaging the wound, he speaks.

"You threatened to cut one of their tongues out."

I accidentally pull a little too tight causing him to wince.


"Would you really have done it?"

I don't answer. I just finish my work.

"It's done."


"Why what?'

"Why did you do it?"

I mentally debate whether I should answer or not.

At last I do.

"I honestly don't know."

For a second I wonder if he believes me. Then he nods, thanks me and leaves.

And I am alone once more.

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