Part II: Chapter 6

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Lucinda ended up sleeping the whole day. I really don't feel like doing anything today either, but Seth convinced me to get out of "that room."

I admit it is nice to get out. The sun is shining today and the sea breeze tousles my hair. We stroll through Golden Gate Park, enjoying the scenery. He looked so at ease. His soft jade eyes are bright, and his dark brown hair has been lit a golden colour in the sun. When he notices me looking at him he flashes a grin. He's so easily pleased. If only I weren't in love with Luce... He deserves better than me.

We walk along the pier enjoying the fresh air. Seth slips his hand in mine as we walk. Usually I'd pull away but I couldn't make myself this time. He seems elated by this.

He notices Girradeli's in the back and looks with longing. I chuckle and pull him along to his desired destination. We are given samples which we pocket for the moment. The shop is rather crowded to be truthful, but neither of us really mind. When we get out we find ourselves in a plaza of sorts, with a large mermaid fountain centrepiece. We sit down on a bench for a moment.

I watch the children playing, laughing and smiling exuding their sweet innocence in every action. My eyes fall on a child crouching on the edge of the fountain. His mother scolds him, telling him to get down. Just then, the little boy loses his balance and falls right into the fountain! Its not deep so he gets up and stands sopping wet in the fountain, much to his mother's fury. I burst out laughing. To my surprise I find my laughter coupled with Seth's. We laugh for a what felt like a long time before at last coming to a stop.

I watch Seth pull out his sample.

"Pumpkin Spice Caramel Milk Chocolate," he reads.

He shrugs, unwraps it and takes a small bite.

"Not bad. A bit too sweet for my taste though."

I turn mine over in my fingers, not really interested.

He gets a bit of a mischievous look then.

"You want a bite?"

He lifts the square to his mouth, but instead of taking a bite he merely holds it in his teeth.

I am unable to hold back a chuckle.

This is probably where I would have said, "I'll pass." but like before I can't bring myself to say it. Its only because he looks so cute with that chocolate in his mouth, I tell myself. But I know that's not the case.

Regardless, I take the chocolate right out of his mouth before he can continue with his plan, much to his surprise.

He blinks in surprise, then pouts.

As I swallow, I make a face.

"You're right, it is too sweet," I say, earning a laugh.

We head off and take in the sights of the Sunset, stopping by at a neighbourhood bakery for a baguette and get some cheese from a local deli. The light lunch is savoured outside of the Conservatory of Flowers, much to Seth's elation. He obviously loves being out and about in the scenic natural areas of the city.

I let myself lay on my back, and gaze up at the blue sky.

He joins me, and points out clouds every now and then.

I close my eyes.

I feel myself slip away.

"Mm, hello?"

"Lucky? What is it? Whats wrong?"

"What!? Why?! What are you-"

She froze.

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