Chapter 11

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Today is Valentine's Day.

I haven't seen anyone in the past week. Outside of school that is. Even in school, no one but Lucky talks to me. Alice still says hi and whatnot, but that's all. I've been avoiding Alex and it seems he's taken to doing the same. Most of my time is spent with Nathan.

Today, I make chocolate chip cookies to celebrate the occasion. I don't know if we're actually a couple, but I always celebrate with him and he doesn't seem to mind.

As the cookies cool, he wheels himself into the kitchen.

"You baked?" he says, looking confused.

I smile and brush his hair off his face a little.

"Happy Valentine's Day."

I kiss his cheek and hand him a cookie. His expression remains stoic as he stares at the cookie, as if he hasn't a clue what to do with it. Then he takes a nibble.

Apparently deciding he likes it, he eats it in proper bites.

We don't really do much on Valentine's Day. I just do something special for him and then life goes on.

Today is no exception.

Nathan just follows me around like a lost puppy while I do chores, like he usually does.

When I'm done with my routine, I notice that Nathan isn't here. So I go to the main room and find him staring into space, lost in his own thoughts.


He snaps out of his reverie and turns to look at me.

"Are you tired?"

He nods.

So we both go to bed. I lay in silence for a while.

Then without provocation he reaches over and holds me. His head rests in the crook of my neck and I hear him whisper.

"Happy Valentine's Day."

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