Part II: Chapter 2

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Lucinda has been doing laundry and packing all day. I remember her telling me that Alice was planning a vacation but I didnt know we were leaving today.

Every now and then she comes over and asks how I'm feeling or kisses my head or shows some other form of affection. I dont know why she bothers, when she knows she wont get it back. I know that I became guilty a couple times, but its pretty rare. That loving look. She always looks at me like that. But why? No one else looks at me like that. But she always does...

In fact, last night she slept curled up against me. Normally I would have pulled away but this time... Something stopped me. Maybe it was the fact that she was moaning in her sleep. Yes thats probably what it was. She's been doing that a lot lately. And that only happens when she's having nightmares. A small part of me wishes I could do something but my rational mind quashes the thought reminding me that there is nothing I could do even if I wanted to.


Before we leave Lucinda gives me a thin jacket and smooths my hair, as is her habit. She makes a quick phone call on our way out. Apparently there is some kind of treatment she has been looking into for my paralysis. I don't really understand it but I think its going well. She calls on a taxi after.

When it arrives she helps me into the back before getting in behind me, while the driver takes our luggage with a pitiful look at us. I hate that look of pity.

Its a bit of a drive to Alice's, and Lucinda has worn her self out from preparing all day. I can't help but notice that she is sitting a bit closer to me than usual. At some point during the trip, she even slips her hand in mine before, resting her head on my shoulder and dozing off. I don't react and simply stare out the window at the night sky for the most part.

She's so warm. Too warm. I feel her shiver in her sleep. I carefully touch her forehead, trying not to jostle her awake, I dont want her to falsely think that I care. She seems to have a bit of a fever, but this doesn't surprise me based off of how little sleep she has gotten. She shivers again and I stroke her head as if it is a comfort.

When the taxi stops, the driver only asks for half the amount he ought to and wouldn't take any more than that, despite Lucinda's protests. The same look of pity is in his eye, making my blood boil. I clench my teeth but keep my mouth shut as Lucinda finally gives in and pays as much as he will allow.

She even walks a bit closer to me as we make our way up Alice's drive way.


Alex, Seth and Adrian appear to have already arrived. All but Alex sit quietly listening to Alice. The other two boys seem to still be greiving over Lucky while Alex seems unconcerned. I wonder if it is a very good facade or if he really doesn't care. I sense anger coming off of him every now and again but I'm not entirely sure who it's directed at. Something tells me its directed at me, though.

"Alright the moment you've all been waiting for! Our vacation destination is..." Alice says enthusiasticly.

I don't understand that girl. To me her pain is obvious. She tries so hard to act happy when in fact she is a mess inside. However it seems that no one else sees this but me.

"San Fransisco, California!"

Both Lucinda and I tense.

That is our hometown.

"W-what?' Lucinda stutters.

Alex raises a brow.

"She said San Fransisco. You aren't deaf are you?"

Her eyes narrow.

"Of course not! But of all places... Why there?"

"Because we randomly picked it off the map," he shrugs.

She scowls but keeps her mouth shut.

"Do you not like the idea?" Alice asks timidly.

How is anyone not noticing how out of charater that is for her but me?

Lucinda sighs.

"No. Not at all. I think its perfect," she says with a forced smile.

Looks like Lucinda noticed. That means either Alex is extremely ignorant or he just doesn't care. Probably the latter but with him you never know.

"Well our flight leaves at six A.M. tomorrow morning so I think its a good idea to try to get as much sleep as possible tonight," Lucinda says.

"What does it matter? We'll have plenty of time to sleep on the flight."

Lucinda rolls her eyes.

"Yeah well forgive me for wanting to have a clear head in an airport."

Alex just shrugs her off before heading upstairs without another word.

Lucinda lets out a frusterated sigh before turning to Alice.

"Ok where are we sleeping?"

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