Chapter 8

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I cant talk to Luce after what happened. She stabbed two guys mercilessly. I'm sure that if I hadn't stopped her, she would have killed them both. I don't walk her to classes anymore. Everybody knows. They're too afraid to go after her now.

Am I afraid?

I feel like I have to talk to someone or I'm going to go insane. Luce is out of question. Alice has made it clear that she isn't comfortable talking about it. That leaves Lucky.

So I ask Alice if she's seen him and she hasn't. I try calling but he wont answer. I ask Luce if she knows anything but she just shakes her head and avoids me. I try calling again, to no avail.

Eventually, I decide to check if he's home and walk to his house. It's a pleasant walk. The scenery is green and calming.

At last, I reach my destination.

I'm about to knock but I see the window is open so I take a look.

Well I find Lucky. As well as the "friend" he's been meeting. And I have to admit, being "friends" they certainly were going at it. They were flashing so much tongue, I'm worried one of the boys might choke. Who is that? Is that Adrian from Chemistry? He said he wasn't into him! Lying bastard! 

Okay, I have got to get out of here before I tear them apart, or worse, become aroused by the sight before me.

But something about them bothers me.

They're so together.

And what jars me most is they're breathing.

That mine is out of sync with theirs.

I know I'll never have that kind of completeness with another. Some part of me part of me rejects it more totally than anything I have before. I'll never give up that part of myself. I know that.

But suddenly a pain so unbearable overtakes me and a tightness I didn't even realize was in my chest tightens. I have to get out of here. I have to get away. I cant be so near them any longer.

So I leave. The scenery is no where near as calming as it was before. I go home and lock my bedroom. And I take out a small shiny metal object. A razor. I don't do anything with it. i just turn it over in my hands. I look at it for a long time. Then I stop.

And the next thing I know, my world has been painted scarlet.

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