Part II: Chapter 8

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"You... You're in love with her aren't you?"

My mind is still in a daze and my answer in instinctual.


His teeth clench.

"You're really going to make me spell it out?"

I feel confused and lost. My mind works abominably slow. At the same time I still feel desperate for him to continue what he was doing before.

"I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"Lucinda!" he hisses her name like a curse.

Suddenly all confusion and haze are lifted. As if I have been doused with ice water, I stare baffled, at last able to understand him with perfect clarity.

"You're asking me if I'm in love with Luce?"

"Yes that was the question."

His voice is dangerously calm. I can sense the storm brewing beneath the surface.

If tell him the truth it'll hurt him and he'll likely hate me for it. But if I lie he'll only force it out of me some other way. He won't let this go. Even if I convince him that it's nothing it'll always be eating at him, always be at the back of his mind. If he finds out any other way he'll never forgive me, let alone trust me.

I take a deep breathe. I have made my decision.


That single word shatters everything.

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