Chapter 6

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The rest of the week goes without incident. That doesn't mean it is pleasant though.

The dirty looks have been happening more frequently. Alex has been more protective. Its almost scary how out of character he's been acting. I cant stop thinking about what he said to me on Monday though. Do I really act that different when I'm not with Nathan? I feel so confused with Alex these days. I haven't seen Lucky very often. I tried asking Alice about it but she said she didn't know anything. I would ask Alex but, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm afraid to. All this stress and anxiety cant be healthy.


Last week was tiring. Guys keep looking at Luce like she's prey. Its a sick look. I usually wouldn't care but whenever I see them I get so angry. I've gotten into three fights, so far. Lucky is still mad at me. Alice is worried about me and Luce is avoiding me. What I don't understand, though, I why I even care. I never have in the past. So why now? Things have never been so confusing.

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