CHAPTER 1: The Big Dinner

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The best night of my life! That's what last night was to me because yesterday was not just the day I graduated from high school, but also was my eighteenth birthday. 

Smiles of course faded as they were quickly replaced by tears of happiness but at the same time, also with sadness. 

My friends and I were happy we were out of school finally. However, we became sad towards the end of the night as we realized it was the last time we'd see each other for who knows how long. 

All my friends were human and none of them knew I was a werewolf except for my best friend, Desiree. I trusted her and she has never told a soul and I know she never will. She's one of the few in my life that I trust, we're like sisters. 

After graduation, all of my friends were moving out of state for college while I stayed behind. I mean, sure we'd stay in contact with one another but still, it was gonna be hard. 

I've always wanted to go to college and study to become a kindergarten teacher but that dream was quickly crushed as my brother had always made it a point to remind me that I could never abandon our pack and my duties with my selfishness. 

My brother and I haven't always been as close. Our mom, not even a few seconds after giving birth to me, died from the loss of too much blood, I was told. 

Our dad of course became distraught and devastated that eventually it became too much for him because when I was six years old, he committed suicide and left a note saying that he couldn't take the constant reminder of his wife and that I looked a lot like her and reminded him of the fact she was gone. 

I felt my world come crumbling down that day after reading the note because never did I ever notice him showing any signs of depression or hatred towards me. We were the best of friends. I was his little Pumpkin and we had a great relationship and were happy.

Although I guess that everyone has their own reasons for doing things like that and apparently can be good at pretending to be happy when they're really not. 

After he died, my brother Jace and I went to go live with our only living family member, our grandfather, who hated women by the way and always spoiled Jace while reminding me daily about how I am just something that he has to put up with. Which is what my brother still tells me to this day. 

I should have already found my mate when I was sixteen, since that was also when I first shifted into my wolf, Amethyst. However, I never did get the chance to because my brother always made sure I was too busy with chores, errands and any other ridiculous things he could think of having me do. All while telling me that I was too ugly and fat that I would never find my mate and that it was a good thing because I wouldn't have to worry about my mate humiliating me in front of a lot of people by rejecting me. 

After hearing all that most of my life since I was little, I came to believe it. Maybe even the Moon Goddess thought it'd be best that I remain alone and live my life like I already am as punishment for causing the death's of my parents. 

I've been too ashamed and felt unworthy to talk to the Moon Goddess as I also have learned when I was little that I mustn't bother her with stupid questions. Including something as stupid as finding a mate. 

My wolf, Amethyst, I feel is ashamed of me as well or is mad at me and I don't blame her. She hasn't spoken to me since a year after I first shifted. After all the abuse, I knew then and there that she must have left me and or felt ashamed of being paired with me. Even though I can't blame her since it was my fault I let my brother abuse the both of us. 

I had always heard and read about when you meet your wolf and how things usually go with the bonding process. 

However, the day I met her and shifted, I was alone in the house and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, I began to shift. At first I panicked a little bit until Amethyst told me I was gonna be okay and to trust her. 

Amethyst is very beautiful with her dark eggplant purple fur and beautiful shade of green eyes I have ever seen. 

While staring at her in the full length mirror I have in my room, I couldn't stop but smile with so much admiration. For the first time in my life I felt beautiful. 

I was happier than I had been in a long time and thought this would be the start of a new and better life. This would make my brother finally see me as officially part of the pack and look at me different. 

Except when I saw Jace standing in the doorway with a disgust look on his face, I quickly realized that it didn't matter. 

My wolf tried mind-linking him to let him know that we were now part of the pack but immediately he shut down that idea. 

He began calling my wolf ugly before kicking me hard in the ribs, causing both my wolf and I to howl in pain. 

When he was finished giving my wolf a good beating, he threatened the both of us to make sure we never shifted again if we wanted to stay alive. 

Throughout the rest of that year, everyday, the beatings would get so bad that I really didn't blame Amethyst for leaving me. 

At the time, I thought I was protecting her but soon I realized that it was the opposite. I shut her out along with the rest of the world. 

Possibly it's all for the best. I have failed everyone including her and know that she deserves a better person to be paired with. Someone that's much stronger. 

Then after finishing up with getting ready for the day and putting my hair in a high ponytail, I began making my way down towards the kitchen to make some breakfast for my brother and the pack. 

My brother is the Alpha and he already had found his mate, Cherri, who happened to also be my bully in school from grades seventh until recently. 

Although her and my brother are perfect for one another as they both love torturing people and both expect to be spoiled to where they don't have much to do. 

As I start making my way downstairs and into the kitchen to start making some breakfast before everybody wakes up. 

Right as soon as I finish setting down the last plate of food, I notice that Cherri beat me to waking up everybody as they all came walking behind her towards the dining room table.  

Jace is the last one down and as soon as he takes a seat at the head of the table, he pulls Cherri onto his lap and they all begin eating. 

After filling up their bellies and before leaving, Jace reminds me about the big important dinner with Alpha Liam and that I needed to make a feast. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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