CHAPTER 27: I Need To Talk To You

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Why the hell has he left me in here when very easily he can take away this pain, that asshole! 

I continue pounding on the door until I hear Bullet's voice outside the door telling me that he's gonna open up the door and has brought someone that would help me with the pain. 

I took a step back and as soon as the door opened up I saw both Bullet and an older man come walking inside and Bullet shuts the door behind them. 

"What's going on?" I asked Bullet confused.

"He's the Pack's doctor. He has something that can help you with the pain." He says. 

"But why can't Liam help? We're gonna need to do it sometime soon anyways." I say with my arms crossed. 

"Not right now." Bullet says right before he grabs me and holds both my arms behind my back while I see the doctor take out a needle from his pocket and notice him tap it with his fingers and see a drip of whatever is in the syringe before he starts coming closer towards me. 

I begin struggling but Bullet's strength is really strong. I was able to break free from his grip for just a minute as he chased me around the bed until he finally knocked me on there and held me down as the doctor injected my neck with something that I'm not sure what. 

It didn't take very long for the effect of whatever the stuff was to take as I quickly felt darkness consume me. 


When I woke up, I was hungrier than ever and felt no more pain or any of what I had felt earlier. 

I got up slowly to make sure that I was okay and wasn't going to pass out again and once I realized I was gonna be fine, I got up and got dressed then headed downstairs to hopefully see Liam and the pack but when I got downstairs, I noticed nobody was home. Or at least that's what I thought until when I got into the kitchen to pour myself some coffee and get something to eat, I saw Liam's mother come walking in. 

"Good morning sleeping beauty." I heard her say to me while she walked over to pour herself some coffee. 

"Morning." I replied.

"I was wondering when you were going to wake up." She chuckled. 

"What do you mean?" I asked her confused. 

"You've been out for a couple of days." She tells me as she grabs her now filled up coffee mug and starts walking up to me. 

"I was?" I asked her in disbelief.

"Yeah. But that's okay. At least you didn't have to endure all that nonsense with you being in heat." She tells me as she takes a seat at the table and starts drinking her coffee. 

"Yeah well, Liam didn't help me with that." I say under my breath as I take a seat across from her.

"My son may be a jerk at times and have his moments but I'm sure that he did it for your own good." She assured me. 

"Yeah, I know that now." I reply before taking a bite from the granola bar. 

"Other than that, I've heard you've been doing great with your training." She points out while changing the subject (thank god). 

"I guess so. I mean, I've caught on pretty quick and my wolf and I have gotten a lot stronger, that's for sure." I tell her. 

"Good." She smiles and takes another sip of coffee.

"Do you know where Liam is?" I ask her trying to avoid an awkward moment of silence. 

"I don't but I'm sure he probably went for a run with the guys. You both should be able to communicate through the mind-link." She reminds me. 

"Yeah, I already tried that but he didn't answer." I tell her. 

"Well, I'm sure he'll be back soon." She tells me reassuringly. Then as she's about to take another drink from her coffee, we both hear the back door open and can smell his scent along with someone else's. Right away I can see from the look on his mother's face that she is disgusted and beginning to get upset. "Excuse me, I have some things I must attend to. I'll see you later Astrid." She says as she gets up and starts walking out. 

"Okay." I replied although I know that just wanted to leave.

"Oh and Astrid? Please eat more than that sweetie, you need to keep your strength up." She smiles and winks at me before leaving. 

She was right, I did need more to eat than this. After all, I have been out for a couple of days so this little granola bar ain't gonna do anything. So I get up and head into the kitchen to see what all I wanted to make when I stop and see Melrose and Liam laughing about something. However, my wolf began growling suddenly and I'm not sure if it was cause she was jealous what it was but for some reason she didn't like her and neither did I by the way she was touching his shoulder. 

He turns his head over towards me and quickly walks up and wraps his arms around my waist to pull me into his chest and places his lips onto mine and then pulling away to look at me and he smiles. 

"Hey beautiful. How are you feeling?" He asks me. 

"I'm good." I assure him with a smile. I then look over at Melrose. "Hey Melrose." 

"Hi." She replies with a fake smile in a fake nice voice. "I'm glad you're feeling better. I for sure don't miss those days." She chuckles to herself. 

"Yeah." I reply with no care in the world. I then look back at Liam, "Can I talk to you?" I asked him. 

"Of course." He smiles. 

Him and Melrose say goodbye and the way she hugs him disturbs me as well. Especially as she eyed me and smirked as though she was trying to make me jealous. Which I swear, I wouldn't mind ripping her fucking head off right now. 

Finally once she leaves, we head upstairs so that I could talk with him about something. Maybe something else

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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