CHAPTER 32: I Need Your Help

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I didn't want to leave but I knew that he needed to tend to his Alpha duties while I needed to find out more about becoming a Luna. Plus, this is our place and we can return to it whenever.

During the drive back we couldn't stop smiling at one another. Our mood was better as was our relationship. He really stepped up his game.

When we got to the castle and walked inside, we both sensed something was wrong and to make matters worse, we both smelled Melrose's scent. Damnit, that bitch is everywhere.

We walked hand-in-hand into the living room where it looked like her and Bullet were at, talking.

They both stopped as soon as we stepped inside. We saw Melrose's eyes were red and puffy as she had looked she's been crying.

"What's going on?" Liam asks concerned.

"It's...." Melrose begins saying through sniffles. "It's my mate." She says.

"What about him? What happened?" Liam asks while walking towards her breaking free from my hand and bending down in front of her to try and comfort her as she explained.

"He. He. Hit. Me." She said through sobs.

Personally, I'm not buying it but then again, he's known Melrose longer than I have and is normally good at seeing who is full of it and who is not. So I just sit back and watch as well as listen.

"I'm gonna kill him." Liam says through gritted teeth being the protective man he is as he gets up and they start hugging each other. 

"I'm so sorry to have come and bothered you but I just had nowhere else to go." She tells him. 

"Well, you're more than welcome to stay here for as long as you'd like." He assures her. 

I try mind linking him to let him know that we need to discuss it first but he doesn't answer me. 

"Thank you guys so much." She smiles. "I'll need to get my stuff though." She tells him. 

I just roll my eyes and stomp upstairs and slam our bedroom door while pacing back and forth at the foot of the bed on the floor while trying to calm myself down. 

I then hear the door open up and close. I stop and look to see it's Liam. 

"Baby..." He starts but I stop him. 

"No. I don't want to hear it. Why didn't you pull me aside and ask me first before giving her an answer? We're mates right? We discuss things with each other?" I asked him with my arms crossed over my chest. 

"Yes. And I'm sorry but I just, she's one of my good friends and I'm not used to asking permission for things." He says to me. 

"That's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying that we should discuss things first before either one of us agrees to anything that might effect the other." I tell him. 

"What do you have against Melrose?" He asks me. 

"I can't say specifically. It's just a feeling I have. I feel like she's not the friend you used to know." I try and point out to him. 

"You don't even know her." He says to me. 

"I'm just telling you how I feel. There's something about her that even your mother hates." I tell him. 

"Yeah, I know she does and why she does also. However, you on the other hand, I don't see what she has done to you. Unless you're jealous." He smirks as he finishes the last part. 

"Seriously? You sure you want to play that card?" I ask him with a cocked eyebrow. 

"I'm sorry baby." He says and walks up to me holding me while looking into my eyes. "I just wan't you to know that you can trust me." 

"I trust you baby. I just don't trust her." I assure him. 

"Well, do you want to come with us then?" He smiles. 

I look at him a moment later thinking if I really do want to go or not. Then I decide that she must not live too far away so it wouldn't take them too long. Besides, I could talk to Bullet and get some ideas for Liam's mother's birthday. 

"No. It's alright. You both go and get her stuff and then come right back." I tell him with a serious look on my face. 

"I will. I promise love." He assures me with a smile and then kisses me before leaving. 

"Okay." I smile back. 

Him and Melrose both then get into one of his cars and they leave to head towards her place. Which I do wonder where she lives. I mean, Liam told me before it wasn't too far away from here. 

After leaving, I went downstairs and saw bullet sitting down on the couch, flipping through some channels on the TV. So I walked over towards him and sat down. 

"Whatchya watchin'?" I ask. 

"Nothing. Still looking for something." He says. 

"Oh. Well, how about a scary movie?" I asked. 

"Okay. Which one?" He asks. 

"Hmmmm. How about you choose and I go whip us up something to eat?" I suggest. 

"Okay. Sounds good." He laughs. 

So I get up and head into the kitchen to start making us both something and by the time I'm done, I carry the food and some drinks over towards the couch and see that he has chosen 'SIlver Bullet'. One of my favorite and best movies in the world that I was excited to see it since I haven't watched it for years. 

After we got done eating and once the movie was over, I was about to ask him a few things about Liam when suddenly, I'm interrupted before I can even begin with a sharp pain in the back of my head. As I yelp in pain and hold the back of my head, I start tasting pennies in my mouth and Bullet quickly turns to look at me. 

"What is it? Are you okay?" He asks me. 

"I don't know......OWW!!" I yell out in sharp pain. 

"Oh my god." I hear him.

"What?" I winced. 

"Something has happened with Liam and now with you both finishing the mating process, you both feel what the other is feeling." He tells me. "Something has happened." 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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