CHAPTER 19: Some Fresh Air.....

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"Stop!" I hear Amethyst tell me.

"No! I need to get away from him right now." I tell her as I continue running through the woods not knowing where I'm going nor caring. Okay, not running too fast or far, seeing as to how out of shape I am as a human.

"But he marked us. He has a good heart and we will get our chance to mark him. However, he is right, we have just started bonding and I haven't even been let out for a couple of years. Pleeeeease!! Let me out." She begins to beg me.

"No! Right now is not the time Amethyst." I try and tell her.

"Pleeeeease!!" She begs me a little more until I finally cave in and stop where I'm at.

"Fine! But just for a little bit." I tell her.

"Yay!!! Alright, trust me, you are gonna love me." She assures me right before I felt my knees begin to crack a little, causing me to drop to my knees and grab the dirt on the ground as I start to feel the cracking and intense pain coarse through my entire body as I feel myself shifting into my wolf.

Damn this pain. I definitely remember this part.

Right as I'm about to scream from the pain, I'm immediately on all fours feeling amazingly good.

"See? Now trust me. I wan't to show you something." Amethyst tells me.

Before I could even answer, she right away  starts off running faster than I have ever ran before with all my surroundings from the trees, ground, everything, becoming a blur. One of my favorite parts was feeling the wind blowing against my face. I was loving it. Then she stopped.

"Where are we?" I asked her while I began looking around.

This place seemed very peaceful and quiet. There was a creek that you could hear the soft water flowing over the pebbles and rocks underneath it. It took my breath away as I continued to look around with such admiration.

I began to feel thirsty and made my way over towards the water and as I looked down to start drinking, I took a look at my reflection in the water.

"Look at you. I want you to see just how beautiful we are and how we make the best team." Amethyst compliments.

"Yeah." I begin. "But what if it's too late?" I ask her feeling scared and sad.

"Too late for what?" She asks me.

"For everything. Between you, me and with Liam. What if it's too late for you and I to grow a stronger bond?" I ask.

"Listen to me carefully. You and I have always been one and I never left you. I had to wait until you were ready. Now I'm sure you are more than ready. Very soon, I promise, we will made our mate and show him during training, just how great and badass of a mate he has." She tells me.

"Okay." I replied. I'm ready." I tell her.

I begin running back towards the castle and I stop at the entrance of the woods as I soon realize that I have to shift back into my human form. However, I don't want to walk around naked. So I try and think of something until I hear my wolf tell me that our mate has left us a pair of clothes.

I look to the left and sure enough, there are sweatpants and a hoodie. So I take them in my mouth and go behind the nearest tree and after I'm through getting dressed, I start walking back towards inside the castle.

As I walk through the back and start heading towards the stairs to go to our bedroom, I hear Liam laughing and then some girl giggling.

I tried not to think of what it might be when I saw them but as soon as I walked into the TV room, I stopped when I saw Liam and some girl laughing together and looked to both be having a great time together. My heart started to sink while my wolf wanted to jump onto the girl and claw her to pieces.

"Baby?" I heard Liam's soft loving voice call towards me as he got up and quickly walked up towards me to embrace me into a hug. "I'm so glad that you're alright. I was worried." He tells me.

"I'm okay. I just needed some air is all. I'm sorry to have worried you." I tell him.

He just smiles at me and right as we were about to kiss, we heard the girl clear her throat a little bit.

As we turned to look at her, Liam takes hold of my hand and starts walking me over towards the girl.

"Astrid, I want to introduce you to one of my good friends since we were six, Melrose. Melrose, I would love for you to meet my mate and the future Luna." He introduces us.

Melrose was really skinny and beautiful, with long curly black hair that fell a little past her butt. She had gorgeous hazel eyes, tanned skin and was 5'9 tall.

Melrose and I looked at each other and while I waited for her to give me a look of disgust or say something, she just smiled and jumped with excitement as she quickly pulled me into her for a huge tight hug.

"It is so good to meet you. Oh my god, this guy can't stop talking about you. It is a pleasure." She smiles.

"Thanks. It's a pleasure to meet you as well." I replied.

"Well, we have some things we have to do and talk about but I will talk with you later." Liam tells her.

"Okie dokie." She says and gives him a quick hug and then gives me one more hug goodbye before leaving.

As soon as she leaves, I look at Liam and he has a look of guilt? Oh my god, what did he do?

"Astrid, I'm so sorry. I never should've told you that you couldn't mark me and that you weren't ready. I mean, clearly you weren't affected in a bad way as I thought you'd be. Please forgive me." He apologizes.

I place my hands on the sides of his face and have him look at me.

"It's okay. I understand and I wanna prove to you that I am more than capable and ready to not just mark you, but to be with you." I tell him and for the first time in my life, I feel not just safe but loved.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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