CHAPTER 8: Hope?.....

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After the whole ordeal in the dungeon, I was taken to my room and told to clean myself up and to hurry and cover up my bruises and to not blow it this time when the Alpha comes tomorrow to have some dinner so that he can try and apologize and make up for how I acted that night at the Ball. 

After Jace told me about Alpha Liam coming, right away I began feeling panicked and sick to my stomach a little bit as flashbacks of that night came into my head. 

Why did I have to humiliate the Alpha in front of everyone? Oh my god, what if he is coming tomorrow to kill me? I asked myself. 

"Of course he won't. He's our mate." My wolf Amethyst says to me.

"Yeah right." I replied. "After what I did, there's no way he would ever want me." I tell her. 

"Give him a chance. Please, for us?" She asks me while whimpering a little bit at the end. 

"Fine, I will. Under one condition though." I began to ask her. 

"Anything." She replies. 

"Why did you leave me?" I asked as I tried holding back tears at the same time. 

"I never left you. It would take a lot of Wolfs bane to do that."  She chuckles. "I just knew you needed a little space. However, even when I did try to talk to you you ended up shutting me out. So I waited until the perfect moment to return." She tells me. 

"Oh. I thought you had left me because I was weak and didn't fight for you that day we first met." I told her.

"It's alright. It's not your fault. I need for you right now though to trust me when I tell you that everything is going to be alright since we now have our mate. He will protect us and take us away from all of this. No matter what happens tomorrow, just remember, to trust me." She says. 

"Okay." I reply. 

"Good. Now get some sleep. We need to look good for our mate when he see's us tomorrow." She tells me. 

"Alright. Goodnight Amethyst. I love you." I tell her. 

"Goodnight Astrid. I love you too."  She says.

When I wake up the next day, I feel surprisingly refreshed. More refreshed in fact than I have in a long time. 

As I get ready by throwing on my jeans and tank top along with my long sleeved cardigan as I wear my hair down after covering my bruises with makeup so that the shackle I had just gotten removed from around my neck was covered along with all the others that would be noticeable. 

I took in a deep breath and let it out while looking in the mirror at myself and hearing my wolf tell me how great and beautiful we both look. Which that right away gave me confidence. 

I smiled and then began to head out my room and downstairs to begin preparing the food before Liam and his pack arrived. 

I opened my bedroom door slowly at first and looked to my left and then my right to see if anyone was around and as soon as I saw nobody was around I came walking out and then slowly walked down the steps just waiting for someone to kick me from behind or something. But that never happens, thankfully. 

When I get down to the last step, I hear Jace talking with the pack in the living room. So I try to quietly sneak past them without being noticed but of course, that never happens, thanks to Cherri. 

"There she is." She says sounding irritated. 

I close my eyes and remember what my wolf, Amethyst told me. Which was to trust her and that everything was going to be okay. I take in a deep breath and let it out before I turn around to face them. 

"It's about time, lazy ass!" Jace snaps at me. 

"I'm sorry, my alarm didn't go off." I tell him. 

"I don't give a shit about your excuses. You're running behind. Alpha and his pack will be here in less than two hours. So get in that kitchen and making something delicious and better than the last feast you made." He tells me. 

"Okay." I tell him without making any eye contact with him still. 

Right when I feel that I'm gonna be able to start preparing everything, I stop when I hear him yell at me. 

"Wait!" He yells. 

"Yes?" I ask him. 

"What the hell do you have on your face?" He asks while stomping his way up to me and smearing my red lipstick. 

"It's make up." I tell him. "You said I needed to make sure my bruises were covered."

"Yeah, COVERED. Not to let you make yourself up to look like a cheap slut on some corner." He snaps at me. 

"But..." I started to say until he interrupted me. 

The next thing I feel is one of his hands wrap tightly around my throat as he lifts me up against the wall while I'm struggling to try and break free by trying to remove his hand from my throat as I feel my air supply becoming less and less by the second. 

"Don't you ever talk back to me again! Remember your place here, Mutt and make sure that you don't embarrass me again!" He says through gritted teeth as he squeezes even harder before finally letting me go causing me to drop onto the floor as I gasp while choking for air. 

"You are so pathetic." He laughs along with everyone else joining in on him laughing also. 

I keep reminding myself that things will get better and that I need to trust my wolf. It's not that I doubt her at all or anything, I just hope I will still be alive when the time comes for things to be alright and it's not too late. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Not the next chapter but the chapter after this next one, Chapter 10, will be Liam's reaction to when he see's an incident that happens with Astrid and her brother. It'll be pretty good. :);)

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