CHAPTER 36: A Challenge, huh?!

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"You still don't get it do you?" I ask while continuing to look at my brother as I have the two guys who look to be struggling while trying to hold him back, are now tying him to a chair beside Astrid.

"Get what?! That you're a fucking psycho?!" Liam insults me.

"You know, you sound just like all those doctor's you all sent me away to." I remind them.

"You know why we did it." My mother cried.

"Oh I know. You all wanted what was best for me right? Well, I guess in a way, you did help me. I am the way I am because of you guys." I smile at both our parents and my brother.

"You're such a sick fuck!" Liam says through gritted teeth.

"Why thank you." I smile. "I have worked so hard to be."

"Son..." My father says weak.

I look over at him and begin getting more angry.

"You in particular, father. It was you that started it all. You just had to choose Liam as the future Alpha King. I was never good enough for you and mother. You both have been ashamed of me and treated me like I was a mistake." I try to remind them.

"No. Gabe we always have loved you. It was you who decided to go against everything your father tried to teach you." My mother begins to tell me. "Your father and I have always loved you and Liam the same. However, Liam never tried to betray any of us. He never was ungrateful for what all he was given. You can not blame anybody other than yourself, for what you've become." My mother finishes with disgust in her voice and distaste.

I walk up to her and slap her hard with my back hand.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" My father growls at me.

"You do not give me orders anymore." I tell him.

"What is it that you want?" My father asks me.

"Only what has always been rightfully mine.  Your title." I smirk.

"That will never happen." Father replies with a glare.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"You are a disgrace to our family and to our kind. I will NEVER give you the title." My father promises me. "Not while I'm still alive."

I then grin at him and cock my head to the side as I begin thinking about how right he is about that.

"That can be arranged." I say to him while stomping up towards him and pull his head back while grabbing his hair and getting ready to claw out his throat when I suddenly stop as I hear Liam yell, "STOP!!"

We all look at him and I stand up and walk over towards in front of him.

"What was that?" I asked Liam.

"You can have the title. I don't want it. Not if it's gonna hurt all of them." He tells me.

"Awww, is my brother trying to be a hero?!" I mock in a childish voice.

"Just let them go and the title is yours." He tells me.

"Aww how heroic of you." I reply sarcastically. "But we both know that's not how it works and if were that easy, I would have done something a long time ago."

"So you're just going to kill us all because YOU can't let the past go?!" Liam remarks.

I stomp over towards him and punch him hard in the face enough to make him spit out blood.

"You don't deserve that title anymore than I do!" I tell him through gritted teeth.

"You're not strong, Gabe. You're just a little bitch!" He grins.

I get ready to punch him some more when I am stopped as I hear Astrid scream out, "NOOO!!"

We all look at her as she glares at me.

"What was that?" I asked her.

"You think that you deserve the title?" She asks.

"Sweetheart, I KNOW I deserve it." I smirk.

"Prove it! Because so far what I've seen, you are far from being an Alpha. I mean, come on..." She begins to chuckle. "You chose my brother and his pack to become allies with. NO Alpha in their right mind would make such a horrible decision. We all know his pack is very weak and I thought Alpha's don't take pity?!" She smirks while looking at Jace and then back at me.

I look at Jace and he looks furious and is balling his hands into fists and takes a step forward until I hold up my hand to stop him. Then I look back at Astrid, kneel down on one knee in front of her.

"What are you saying?" I asked curious.

"Wow, do I have to spell or draw it out for you in crayon?" She says.

I slap her and cause her to spit blood out too before I hear her chuckling while looking back at me.

"Don't fuck with me." I warn her as I stand up.

"All I'm saying is that if you really ARE Alpha material, then prove it." She smirks.

"And how do you suggest I go about in doing that?" I ask with my arms folded in front of my chest.

"By fighting someone who you think you can beat." She grins.

"And who might that be? My brother? Please, too easy." I remark.

"No. Not him. Me!" She says and right away me, Jace and his pack begin laughing.

"Oh my god, are you serious? I thought you were gonna give me a challenge here?!" I smirked.

"Are you in? Or are you too afraid that everyone will see who the REAL Alpha really is?" She challenges me with a cocked eyebrow.

"It wouldn't be fair." I chuckle.

"To who?" She replied and instantly, I began getting irritated and furious that she had the audacity to challenge me to a fight. I will kill her.

Although, if I do kill her, people with fear me more knowing I don't mind killing women, especially if they are soon-to-be Luna's. This might just give me the respect of a feared Alpha that I need.

I look at everyone as they're looking at me and waiting to see what I decide.

"Alright, you got yourself a deal." I tell her and then nod my head at one of the guys standing next to my dad to untie her. This is gonna be more enjoyable for me knowing my brother will be watching as I slaughter his precious mate.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

So Gabe is just a jealous ass that always has hated his brother cause he felt he was the favorite when really, he was only sent away cause he was trouble from the start. He had rogue behavior that he never grew out of.

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