CHAPTER 15: A Nice Dinner

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After taking her shopping, when we got home and were taking the bags out of the trunk, I had forgotten about the bag that had her cell phone in it until we got upstairs and she set everything down onto the bed quickly before running towards the bathroom. That's when I noticed the phone box it was in was sticking out of the bag a little bit. 

'Maybe she hadn't seen it yet.' I thought to myself. 

Then as she came walking out and grabbed one of the bags with her clothes in it to start taking things out and hanging them up, I thought this was a better time to give it to her than at dinner since she most likely has already seen it. Besides, it's not like it's a necklace or anything. 

So I took it out of the box and had it all set up already at the store so that she could start using it right away. 

While hanging up some of her clothes, I walk up behind her and as soon as she turns around she jumps a little bit. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, but I got something for you on my way back earlier." I tell her while pulling out the purple phone from behind my back and as she looks down at it, she starts smiling bigger than I have seen her smile so far. 

"Oh my god." She says as I put the phone in her hands. 

"If you don't like the color, we can always get you a different one, or a different phone even." I tell her. 

"No. I love this one and the color. I just...." She begins but stops herself. 

"But what?" I ask. 

"Why have you bought me all of this? I mean, I just came here last night and I..." I stop her. 

"Baby. Please stop thinking you don't deserve nice things and to be treated like a Princess. It's been long overdue. And as your mate and Alpha, it is an honor to be able to give you these things." He says. "You have no idea just how how amazingly sexy and beautiful you are. I have waited for you for so long. Just give me a chance to help you see just how strong and great you really are." I tell her while lightly caressing the side of her face. 

She begins to tear up a little bit and then wraps her arms around me tightly as I do the same with her and we kiss one another. 

"Thank you." She smiles at me. 

"You're welcome." I reply. 


Once we arrived at the restaurant and were seated, I had ordered us some wine after our waiter gave us our menus. Then as he walked away, I noticed Astrid was looking around the place and smiling with admiration. 

"Do you like it?" I asked her. 

"I do. I've never been to a restaurant this nice before. In fact, I always thought it was for only the rich or in books and movies. Didn't think they really existed." She laughs a little bit. 

"Well..." I chuckle. "They do exist." 

We look at the menu and when the waiter returned with the wine, I had him leave the bottle after pouring us some in a wine glass and then we placed our order. 

I really am glad that I brought her here because it was a quiet and a really nice place. The lighting was dim and made it more intimate along with the soft music playing in the background. 

I took hold of her hand over the table and interlaced our fingers together as we looked at each other and smiled. 

"You look really beautiful tonight." I tell her. 

"Thank you." She blushes. 

"You're so cute when you blush by the way." I wink at her. 

"Awww. Well, you can be cute too you know." she says with a wink.

"I know." I jokingly reply. 

We both then share a laugh together then the food arrives and for the rest of the dinner, things go really good. It's almost like we've known each other for a long time, even though we didn't know everything about each other yet, but still, I think that's part of being mates, you feel that close to someone. 

So after dinner was over, we were waiting for the check when some guy came up to Astrid and I. 

"Astrid? Is that you?" We hear him say. 

"Oh my gosh, Martin?" She says with a big smile on her face and quickly gets up and they both hug one another. 

"Man, I never thought I would ever see you out in public." He begins and meanwhile, I'm starting to get enraged. 

Why the hell was this guy touching MY mate and how do they know each other? Is he her ex? 

"And who's this?" I hear him ask her as he looks at me. 

"Oh, sorry. Martin, this is my boyfriend Liam. Liam, this is my best friend, Desiree's older brother, Martin." She smiles and right away I'm put at ease. She called me her boyfriend?

That made me beyond happy. More than any words could ever say. So I stood up and  shook Martin's hand. 

"It's nice to meet you man." He tells me. 

"Nice to meet you as well." I replied while walking next to Astrid and wrapping one of my arms around her waist to pull her closer to me. 

"Well, I didn't mean to interrupt. I'm here with my fiance and he's waiting for me back at the table, but it was great seeing you. I'm glad you are finally coming out of the house and enjoying yourself for once." He smiles at her and hugs her again. 

"Thanks. It's great to see you also." Astrid replies as she hugs him back. 

"And it was good to meet you again man." He says while looking back towards me. "You better take good care of her." He warns me. Which I thought was cute. A human threatening me, an Alpha of a Wolf pack. 

"I promise." I assure him while pulling her gently back to my side and kissing the top of her head. 

He then walks away and starts heading back to his table right as our waiter brings the bill finally, where I take out some cash and left it on the table along with a good tip before I started escorting Astrid out towards the car to start heading home. 

During our car ride home, I noticed out the corner of my eye that she can't stop smiling. My god do I love that smile.

"What?" I chuckle. 

"Oh, nothing. Just that I couldn't help but notice you being jealous over Martin." She tells me. 

"Yeah well, he was looking at what was mine and I didn't know who he was, so my wolf and I both felt our possessiveness and over protective side come out." I explained.

"I know. I just never had someone care for me in that way before. However, I do believe that you need to be careful not to lose your cool though." She tells me. 

"I'll try." I tell her as I bring her hand up to my lips and place a kiss on her hand. 

Both my wolf and I are really happy with our mate. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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