CHAPTER 2: The Dreaded Dinner.......

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Tonight I was not looking forward to for several reasons. For one, Alpha Liam wasn't going to this dinner thing that none of us wanted to go to anyways, in the first place. So that meant that me, being Liam's Beta and Second in Command, had to go in his place.

Alpha Jace is someone who nobody respects or fears and honestly is really more of a disgrace to our kind and who nobody trusts really, but yet, here we are. Forced to behave around since eventually, we will need to create an Alli with because Liam's parents said we needed to. 

Liam didn't want to do this neither but something you don't do is argue with the ones that are heads of the wolf council. Which happen to be his parents. Not that you should question the Alpha but really, it was his parents final say that made us go to this. 

Last night, before we were supposed to leave, Liam was called to an emergency situation that he couldn't put off in doing. Which of course left me and two of his best Delta's, Colin and Cedric. 

We all took in a deep breath as we pulled up to Jace's house and I reminded them all that we needed to put our game faces on and to remember that no matter what, we were to keep our cool. 

After we all agreed, we got out of our car and as soon as we got to the front door, I knocked and a minute later, the door opened and the person that answers looks really pretty and nice. 

"Good evening. My name is Bullet and I am Beta for the Crimson Fangs Pack. These guys with me are Delta's of our pack, Colin and Cedric." I introduce. 

"Nice to meet you, I'm Astrid. I'm Alpha Jace's sister." She says as she bows her head a little bit. 

"Please, no need to do that." I smile at her. 

"Okay." She replies before looking around and then asking, "Where's Alpha Liam?" 

"Oh, he had an emergency. He sent us instead." I replied. 

"Oh." She said sounding a little bit disappointed. 

"He does send his apologies." I assure her with a wink and smile. 

"It's okay. He isn't missing much anyways. I just hope he's alright." She genuinely sounds.

"Of course." I smile.

"Well please, come in." She tells us as she opens the door a little bit more and we walk inside. 

Right away, I had thought that her and Alpha Liam would be a great couple seeing as to how he doesn't have a mate yet and also as I notice that she hasn't been marked. 

Hmm.....Maybe I should invite her to the Ball by the end of tonight and see if the Moon Goddess has selected her and Liam to be mates. 

Right as I was getting ready to say something else to her, we heard a high pitched and fake female's voice that came from behind Astrid. 

"Oh my god! It is so good to finally meet you, Alpha Liam." The girl says with a fake smile and while hugging me and the guys. 

"Wish I could say the same." I said under my breath while also gagging and choking a little bit on some of her overly sprayed cheap perfume. 

"Are you alright?" She asks.

I had to quickly remind myself that I needed to not be rude and to be on my best behavior as I wanted to do nothing but insult her. So I quickly make something up. 

"Yeah. I just choked on a little air is all." 

As soon as I said that, I noticed out the corner of my eye that Astrid was trying to hide her smile and laughter. 

"Oh, well..." Cherri begins to say. "I'm Cherri and I'm Jace's Luna by the way." She smiles. 

"Okay. Well, I'm not Alpha Liam, first of all. I am Bullet, the Beta of his Pack." I tell her. 

She looks at me shocked and a little embarrassed but quickly tries to hide it as she looks over at Astrid and then back at me and the guys. 

"Would you all care for a drink?" She asks us. "Astrid here is our servant and she would be more than happy to get you anything you guys want." 

"I'm sorry, Cherri is it?" I asked her. 

"Yes." she smiles. 

"You're the Luna of this pack, correct?" I ask her. 

"Yes. I am." She replies confidently with her head held high. 

"Then why is it you have the Alpha's sister here..." I begin while motioning over at Astrid before looking back at Cherri and continuing. "doing YOUR duties and work as a Luna?" I smirk. 

"It's Alpha's orders. Of course, I offered but she enjoys doing it already ." She tries assuring me with another one of her disgustingly fake smiles. 

I just roll my eyes in disgust as we all damn well know better. 

To make matters worse, Jace comes walking up beside Cherri along with a couple of his Delta's and his Beta behind him. 

My god, they all look like spoiled rich brats from Beverly Hills. They don't look like a REAL pack. 

"Welcome!" Jace says. "Where's your Alpha?" 

"He had an emergency and couldn't make it. So we're your guests tonight. But don't worry, we'll still need to report back to him about whatever goes on tonight." I tell him. 

"Of course." He smiles. 

We then begin following Cherri and Jace into the dining room and all take a seat at the table. Everything smelled delicious and both me and my guys were extremely hungry and couldn't wait to dig in to whatever delicious meal Astrid made. 

Then as soon as Astrid placed down the last of the mouth watering delicious food. The guys and my eyes grew wider and began to lick our lips as we couldn't stop ourselves from staring at the juicy pot roast, with savory gravy on top of it along with some roasted potatoes and carrots, buttered rolls and mashed potatoes for the sides. 

"Hold on!" My guys and I stop as we look at Jace who just shouted that out and is now gripping tightly onto Astrid's wrist. 

"W-what is it?" Astrid nervously asks. 

"What the hell is this?! I told you to make a damn feast, not some Susie Home Makers shit!" he yells at her. 

"I-I'm sorry. This was all I could make with the money you gave me." She says with a look of horror and embarrassment. 

Now, if I hadn't promised Alpha that we'd behave and not do anything, me and the guys would have Jace already on the ground and teaching him a damn lesson. However, we need to go through Alpha first, in order to do things like that. After all, we do represent the pack as well. I can't wait to tell Alpha what this guy does to his sister. I know for sure Liam will be pissed off. 

"We loooove pot roast!" I began to say. "Don't we guys?" I asked them. 

"Hell yeah!" The guys replied in unison. 

"Oh, does your Luna cook it for you?" Cherri asks. 

"We don't have one. Alpha hasn't found his mate yet." I tell them. 

"Aw. Well, he isn't the only one. Astrid here hasn't found hers neither. Not that she'd ever find one seeing as to how she killed both our parents and not to mention she's fat and ugly." Cherri chuckles. 

Even though Astrid had already gone off into the kitchen a minute ago to prepare dessert, I'm sure she heard all they said. 

After having the best tasting meal we have had in a while with unfortunately the worst company ever, before we said our goodbyes, I had made it a point to pretend to use the restroom and actually find Astrid's bedroom and leave her an invite to the ball, along with my number inside of it on a torn off little piece of paper with my name. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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