CHAPTER 30: True Love

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For the next couple of days, Astrid and I enjoy ourselves and have gotten a lot closer to each other as well as we've learned a lot about each other. She had even opened up to me about what her brother and his pack all said and did to her ever since she was little. 

What made me question about her parents was what her brother used to tell her about how their parents died. I tried letting it go but something just didn't sit right with me about any of it. 

The only people who would know the truth possibly in what really might have happened, would be my parents. So I mind-linked with my mom this morning while Astrid was still sleeping and ask her about what she had heard. However, she wasn't exactly sure either except for she suspected that both deaths had to have been foul-play. Especially after a certain serum that can kill any wolf instantly, was found in her mother's system and as far as her father's death went, it was impossible for him to have killed himself. Nothing added up and things were now even more a mystery the more my mother was telling me. 

Once I was finished talking with her, I quickly shot a text over on my phone to Bullet to ask him if he'd look into all that for me since he knew some people that were good at researching. Plus, I wanted Astrid to have proof and peace of mind knowing that she wasn't the reason for either one of her parents deaths because I know that she couldn't have been. 

After I was finished sending the text, I heard the bedroom door open and when I turned to look around, I saw Astrid standing in the doorway with nothing underneath the blanket she has covering most of her sexy curvy body while she started rubbing her eyes and looked at me. 

"Good morning beautiful." I smiled at her and set my phone down onto the table beside me while walking towards her and placing a gentle kiss on her lips. 

"Good morning." She blushes. 

"I was thinking that for our last few days here, we could forget about training and just relax." I suggest.

"Okay." She smiled. 

"Good." I reply. "Are you hungry?"

"Very." She softly replies. 

"Okay. I'll make us some breakfast then." I tell her. 

"Alright." She replies with a yawn. 

"What would you like?" I asked her. 

**WARNING: Some Mature Content**

"Hmm...I don't know. What sounds good to you?" She asks me. 

"Mmm..." I began. I grin at her while licking my bottom lip a little. "I'd like to have you."  I tell her as I start to kiss her sensitive spot on her neck, making her tilt her head back while closing her eyes and moaning a little bit. 

I then place my lips onto hers and pick her up by her thighs and letting the towel drop as I wrap her legs around my waist while I carry her back into the bedroom and lay her down onto the bed while I remove my boxers and slip on a condom from the night stand and we made love to each other. In fact, we've been making love everyday ever since we did it for the first time. What can I say, we can't get enough of each other. 

**Mature Content Ends**

Once we were done with breakfast and getting ready for the day, I wanted her and I both to go for a walk down a path that's really nice and that I always loved walking down ever since I first came to this cottage as a kid. 

She loved the idea and we started walking hand-in-hand with one another while enjoying the quietness and enjoying each other's company. 

After close to an hour after we started walking, I started sensing that something was wrong. And despite risking hearing her possibly being like typical girls in saying 'I'm fine' when really they're not, I had hoped that she could trust me enough to tell me. I mean, after all we've talked about to each other already, I wouldn't see why not, but you never know. 

"What's wrong?" I asked. 

"It's nothing." She says. 

"Come on, you can tell me." I assure her. 

"Not this, I don't think." She replies as she stops and looks down at the ground. 

"You can tell me anything baby." I assure her as I lift her chin up to look at me. 

"Okay. You're right." She tells me still sounding like she isn't sure. Then she takes in a deep breath and let's it out before telling me. "I....I..." She began. 

"Honey, whatever it is, I swear I won't freak out or be upset." I promise her. 

"I think I'm....I think I'm in love with you." She says and then looks down and away from me as though she feels embarrassed or something. 

"Really?" I ask her as my wolf inside is shouting and jumping with excitement.

"I know. It's too soon probably and I know that I barely know you and, well, I just, I don't know, I just feel the way that I do." She says while I notice her eyes beginning to water. 

I move her head to look at me again and as I look into her eyes, I smile at her. 

"I love you too." I tell her. 

"You don't have to say it just to make me....." She started to say but I cut her off by kissing her. I had to make sure she understood clearly that I'm truly in love with her and always have been since I first met her and I know I always will. And no it's not because of the mate thing. The mate thing doesn't force you to love someone. 

When we pull our head's apart, I lean my forehead against hers and gently rub the side of her face with my finger. 

"I've waited so long for someone like you. You have no idea how close I was to giving up on ever finding a mate. Then I met you. I've loved since the moment I met you and I promise I will always love you. My heart is yours and no one else's." I tell her. 

She starts to smile and tear up a little but I can tell they are happy tears and after wiping them away we go back to sharing a beautiful and romantic nice kiss before heading back to the cottage. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

And by the way, the next chapter will be introducing a new 'mystery' character that will be a bigger threat to the both of them more than her brother and his pack and happens to be Melrose's mate. ;) Shit will be getting real real quick pretty soon. :)

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