CHAPTER 37: I'm A Luna

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I can't believe my wolf just forced me to challenge him. Yet at the same time, he threatened my Alpha and my future In-Laws. There was no way I was gonna allow that. 

Liam had mind-linked me telling me that Bullet was getting the rest of the pack and they were coming so that I didn't need to do this. 

"Please, don't do this." He mind-linked me. 

"I know what I'm doing. Besides, I've learned to fight from the best." I tell him through mind-link while looking at him and smiling. "I love you and I'll be okay." I assure him then look back over at Gabe and my brother (Who by the way looks ridiculous with his stupid eye patch that looks like it was poorly made by his slut of a Luna). "Besides, I can't let you boys have ALL the fun." I smirked at Gabe while mind-linking that to Liam. 

I turned off the mind-link between him and I as soon as I felt my wrists being untied. I then rubbed around my wrists where there are now markings from the tight rope that I was just freed from. 

As I stood up both me and my wolf were continuing to glare at Gabe as he stood several feet across from us, looking at me with a smirk. 

"You ready to kick some ass and show this piece of shit who's boss?" My wolf, Amethyst, asks me. 

"Hell yeah." I replied to her. 

"Good. Now don't worry. No matter what happens, let me stay in control. Allow me to be your strength at all times." She tells me. 

"Alright." I tell her. 

"Are we fighting or what?" Gabe asks me. 

"Yes we are. But not in here and not in this form. We are gonna fight in our wolf forms out back." I tell him. 

"Oh sweetheart, that DEFINITELY won't be fair for you. Hasn't my brother taught you anything? You Luna's are only good for one thing. That is to give us pups and to feed the Pack. As far strength goes, you Luna's are just as weak as humans." He smirks. 

"Bullshit! Do all of us a favor and stop making up pathetic excuses as to whether or not it's fair for me or not when the truth is that you're really scared." I grinned back at him knowing he realizes I just called him out. 

He presses his lips together tightly and clenches his jaw while making fists. 

"Fine. Let's go!" He says angry. "Bring them all outside." He commands to the guys who untied me and began to help Liam and his parents both out of their chairs with their hands still tied behind their backs and start pulling and pushing them outside. 

Once we were outside and they forced both Liam and his parents down onto their knees on the ground to watch, I didn't look at them, I couldn't. 

"Alright. We both go behind a tree and shift into our wolves then come back to our spots here and begin the fight." I tell him. 

"Fine." He says and we both start walking behind a few trees that were nearby us and after we both had shifted into our wolves, I gotta tell you that even though I felt confident before, I felt it even more this time. 

Both of us started back towards our spots we were at and looked at one another for a moment. Then I couldn't wait anymore and Amethyst began growling at his wolf and the next thing I knew, I did as Amethyst had told me to, I let her take full control and I felt myself start running towards him as he came charging towards me at full speed as well while everybody was watching as they surrounded us in a huge circle. 

Right as soon as I was in reaching distance from him I began trying to claw at him then as soon soon as his neck was exposed as he tried to bite my shoulder, I quickly bit down hard onto his neck and made him yelp loudly in pain as he then pushed me off of him, causing me to land on my back several feet away. 

He looked at me as I was already back on all fours waiting to see if he was badly injured enough to give up but nope, it looked like he still wanted more. In which Amethyst was happy as she wanted to continue. 

He came running at me once again with a loud growl and was able to claw against my chest and instead of stopping,  Amethyst and I ignored the pain and blood dripping that we continued to attack him as she started trying to claw at him anywhere we could. 

Somehow after I clawed the side of his face, I felt a sharp kick in my side that caused me to fall over. 

I struggled a little bit trying to get back up on all fours as I looked at who the hell did that and when I saw it was my brother with an evil grin on his face, Amethyst lost it even more and leaped onto him, causing him to fall down on the ground on his back and right away I started clawing at his face, stomach, chest and anywhere else I could until I finally, once again, was able to take out his other eye. 

Right after that, I looked over towards his Delta and Luna and spit my brother's eyeball towards their feet, causing them to look shocked and scared? Good. 

I turned back around and noticed that Gabe's wolf was not growling but looking at me as though he wasn't sure on what to do. I guess he was in shock too, which I took as the perfect opportunity to attack him and this time, make it to where he doesn't get up this time. So I start running as fast as I think I ever have as my wolf and see him turn quickly and start running through his guys legs and starts running into the woods to which I begin to follow him. What a fucking coward. 

Both his wolf and mine are injured pretty bad but we both seem to be ignoring all of that as I continue to chase him getting closer and closer towards him until finally, he somehow is able to run a little bit faster than me and as I try catching up to him, I eventually lose him with all the trees and logs and other things over crowding these woods and I stop to catch my breath while trying to figure out where he could've gone to cause there is no way that I am letting this fucker go. 

I try and sniff him out until out of nowhere, the air gets knocked out of me and I am now on my back while noticing that Gabe's wolf has attacked me out of nowhere and is now trying to bite at me, but I'm able to keep him from doing so until I feel the pain in my side from my brother moments ago start to get more painful. That causes me to growl in pain loudly and that's when he took the opportunity to sink his sharp canines deep inside my upper left shoulder. 

I tried to kick him off of me but more and more blood (between my shoulder now and the deep claw marks on my chest) started bleeding out that I was losing so much to where I began feeling myself rapidly getting weaker and everything around me starts becoming a blur and like everything is spinning while I'm going in and out of consciousness. 

"I'm sorry." I began mind-linking with Liam and then started talking to my wolf. "I'm sorry. I let everyone down." I began to say. "No, stay with me. Please don't leave me. Our mate is coming." She tries to tell me. 

I notice real quick that Gabe isn't on top of me anymore. In fact, while shifting back into my human form and ignoring the fact that I am now naked, I try and look around even though things are a blur and then I see both Bullet and Liam ripping Gabe's wolf's body into shreds before I then notice Liam shifting back into his human form and running his naked self over towards me with blood all over him as he drops down beside me onto his knees and lifts my head up. 

"Stay with me baby. You're gonna be okay. I promise. Just, you can't go close your eyes. Come on." He begins pleading through tears. 

I look at him and smile. "I love you." I tell him. 

"I. Love. You too." He sobs while picking me up into his arms bridal style and pressing his lips to mine and burying his face into the crook of my neck. 

The last thing I hear is him screaming, 'NOOO!!!!' and then yelling for Bullet to come help him quick as I close my eyes and I'm immediately consumed with darkness and silence. 

Next Chapter will be posted soon! :)

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