CHAPTER 34: What Now?!?

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I've been sitting down on the couch here, feeling sick to my stomach and my gut telling me that something bad has happened to Liam. However, I'm not able to even mind-link with him, neither is Bullet. 

Him and a few others have been really nice in trying to comfort me and assure me that everything is going to be okay. 

We've been trying for the past couple of hours to try and get a hold of Liam's parents but unfortunately, have had no success. 

It's close to eleven at night and I'm feeling tired but also feel as though I can't sleep neither. I have to see him and be in his arms again. Why does this have to happen? Is happiness just an illusion?

Everyone has left about an hour ago to try and go looking for him and as Bullet came over and sat next to me with a plate of wings and pizza for me, I told him I wasn't hungry. 

"I promise you that it's all going to be okay." He assures me again while placing his hand onto my shoulder and starts rubbing my back. 

"Bullet? Do you trust Melrose?" I ask him. 

He stops rubbing my back and takes in a deep breath and let's it out before answering. 

"No." He says through gritted teeth. In fact, none of us like her. Not even his parents." He says to me. 

"Yeah, I noticed before his mom couldn't be around her." I chuckled a little bit. 

"Yeah well, he has always refused to see her for what she really was." He begins. 

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously. 

"When we were in the sixth grade, Melrose had just moved into town and was new to our school. Nobody wanted to be friends with her so the nice guy that Alpha has always been, had her join our group at lunch. Then eventually, she began hanging out with us more. Since the very beginning we all knew that she was just wanting to be friends with him because he was one day going to be the King and just as he always has done, he refused to see it. We never expected to see her again after she ran away. Then when she returned recently, suddenly Liam went back into becoming a gullible person in believing everything she told him and now..." He says. 

"You don't trust her? Because I don't and I have this gut feeling that whatever has happened to Liam, she has something to do with it." I tell him. 

He looks at me and nods his head in agreement. " I believe that too." He says. 

"Well then..." I tell him while standing up. "Let's go to her cottage and threaten her and torture her until she confesses." I tell him. 

"Hold up." He says while standing and stands in front of me to stop me. "I'll go. Just in case she decided to involve other packs to join her. Especially rogues." He says to me. 

"But I'm going to be your Luna soon. You can't disobey me." I point out. 

"I'm not. But you have to understand that I can't disobey Alpha's orders in keeping you safe. So I will go and we can mind-link each other the whole time." He assures me. 

I scowl at him for a moment as he does the same to me until I finally realize that I'm too tired to argue with him. 

"Fine." I tell him. 

"Good.  Now go upstairs, you look like shit. And when I bring back Alpha, you don't want to look like that." He winks and smiles as he teases me. 

"Shut up." I roll my eyes and punch him a little bit in his arm while we both also share a laugh together.

"Alright. See ya later." He says to me. 

"See ya." I tell him as he turns and starts running out the back door and quickly shifts into his wolf and starts running through the woods. 

I hope he finds him and brings him back soon. I yawn a little bit and then make my way upstairs into mine and Liam's bedroom and try not think about how I won't be sleeping in his arms tonight as I lay down and begin to close my heavy eyelids. 

The moment I closed my eyes, I right away opened my eyes wide as I smelled pine. Oh my god, could it be? Is it really Liam?

I quickly turn on the lamp on the bedside table and stand to turn and see Liam standing right there. This has to be a dream. 

"Miss me?" He smiles while leaning against the doorway. 

"Oh my god. Is it really you?" I asked while getting teary eyed. 

"Yes, it really is me." He smiles. 

I then quickly walk up to him and throw my arms around him as he wraps his around my waist and for some reason, I'm not feeling the same spark that we have as mates whenever we touch. 

"Wait a minute. Why don't I feel..." I began but he stopped me. 

"I know some things seem different but, look, you were right. Melrose was a bitch that tried to get me killed. She even tried stabbing me with a dagger that was made with silver and covered in wolfs bane. She injected me with something too that made me act different and caused me to pass out. Then once I woke up, I came running back here. I'm so sorry it took me so long." He tells me and I don't know if it's cause I'm too tired and can't think straight or what, but I believe him and am so happy to have him back. Maybe tomorrow will be different and he can tell me what happened but for now, I think sleep is something we both need right now. 

As soon as I wake up the next morning, I slowly open up my eyes and see someone standing beside the bed, hovering over me. Then once I open my eyes more, I notice it's Jace? What the hell is he doing here?

He quickly covers my mouth with one of his hands. 

"Shhh. Remember what happens when you struggle." He says with an evil grin. 

Yeah, little does he know I recently have been trained, by a REAL Alpha. So I quickly knee him in between his legs, causing him to grab himself and yell out in pain while giving me the chance to push him off of me and allow me enough time to get up and run out the bedroom and downstairs while shouting out for Bullet and Liam and when I finally see him standing in the living room and run into his arms. 

"It's alright Astrid. It's okay. Everything is going to be okay." He coos. 

I stop the tears rolling down my face and then suddenly, I no longer can smell pine but instead has been replaced with a foul odor. 

I start pulling away and that's when I notice that my brother's pack is staring at me with grins and looks of mischief on their faces. 

"What's going on?" I ask until I pull back from Liam and look at him and suddenly, I notice his eye color is a color I have never seen before. I then hear my wolf tell me, "He's not our mate."

Oh my god, how could I have been so stupid? And wait a minute, "Why the hell didn't you tell me last night?" I asked my wolf. 

"I tried but somehow wasn't able to. He had something on him that prevented me from coming out. But now it must have worn off and..." She tries and finish but can't as suddenly I am knocked out. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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