CHAPTER 3: You Missed Nothing!

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I know that it was shitty for me to not show up at the dinner and even though I didn't want to be there, I never meant to send Bullet, Colin and Cedric by themselves to have to endure that horrible dinner without me there. 

Though last night, I had gotten a call from one of my Delta's that was doing his rounds around the perimeter of our territory and told me that there were a few trespassers that attempted to cross our line. 

So I sent Bullet and them to go and check out Jace and his pack. Although none of us wanted to form an ally with them but my parents both suggested I do it to prove that I am not entirely ruthless and can be a great leader that can take over the Council one day when they retire. They told me I have to be able to have the ability to see both sides to everything and to hear people out.

I guess they were right but still, this guy was not someone I could ever see myself trusting since he has rubbed me the wrong way since day one when we met a couple of years ago and he was rude to both my parents and we got into it that day. 

I knew better than to question or argue with my parents so I just am going along with it. Well, somewhat, considering I am not going to the dinner that is supposed to be the beginning of forming the ally. 

However, right now, I had more pressing matters to attend to. I needed to find out what was going on and why all of a sudden our territory went from the most impossible one to cross into now anyone has a chance. 

"What's going on?" I asked the Delta. 

"Sorry for ruining your plans Alpha but we have a problem. Last night, we caught three rogues trespassing onto our territory. We don't know what happened. I asked the guys that were on duty in this area and they have no idea either." He tells me hesitantly. 

"What is it? What else are you not telling me?" I asked him. 

"There's something odd about these rogues. They have a marking on them, almost like they were branded and we haven't seen them before." He tells me. 

"What's the mark?" I asked curiously. 

"It's a red eclipse." He says and right away, I know what that represents. 

"Oh my god. Are you sure?" I asked him. 

"Yeah. Why?" He asks. 

"I'll tell you about it later. Right now, I need for you to get more guys to surround the entire perimeter and let me know if any other's do return and if they do, keep at least one of them alive so that I can question them." I tell him. 

"Alright." He agrees as he knows better than to ask any further questions. 

"Good. I'll explain everything later." I assure him and then begin to head back towards the house to inform my parents about the issue we have. 

Although while heading back, I mind-linked with Bullet and let him know that both him and the guys needed to return right away.

This wasn't good. We haven't seen these markings for centuries. It was the marking from certain rogues that tried to break any treaty we had with anyone and cause a war. 

Rogues are the ones that have no Alpha's and who don't live by rules or laws. These in particular are the most dangerous rogues that ever existed. In fact, for centuries they supposedly were all destroyed and killed. At least that's what I thought. Now, someone is trying to bring back the very species that nearly caused a war between all creatures including with humans. 

Their timing couldn't be any worse with the annual Ball my parents have been throwing for the past twenty years, coming up in a few days. 

This annual event, called The Full Moon Ball, has been the biggest and most exclusive event since the first year my parents began throwing it. It is a place where every wolf from all over that is invited can come, have some fun, meet new Alpha's, new packs and even their mates. Which I have been trying to meet mine since I first shifted when I was fifteen. However, I haven't had so much luck. 

Eventually, I began telling myself that maybe I wasn't meant to have a mate. As frustrating as it sounds, I just think that I need to continue to focus on being the best Alpha there is and not worry so much about the mate stuff. Besides, my reputation already tells people that I shouldn't have one with the temper I have. 

I finally get back to my house and see that my mom is talking with the party planner. I walk up to her. 

"Mom, I need to speak with you and dad. We have a problem." I tell her. 

She excuses herself from the party planner and we head into my father's office. 

"Honey, Liam has something to tell us." She tells him. 

"What is it son?" He asks. 

"I got called by one of my Delta's who was doing his rounds last night. He told me they found and killed three rogues. Each one had a marking of a red eclipse." I tell them and both of them look at me with a horrified look on their face. 

"Are you sure about this?" My dad asked me. 

"Yes. They burned the bodies and got rid of their ashes and I ordered for more to surround the perimeter and to inform us if anything like that happens again." I assure them. 

They both nod their heads in agreement. 

"Good. Honestly, that's all we can really do right now. I don't think we should bring this up to anyone just yet until we find out more information and just go on with focusing on the Ball that's in a few days." My dad says while my mom and I nod in agreement with him. 

I hope this doesn't turn into a huge war. If it did, I'm not sure anyone would be ready for it. Including me. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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