CHAPTER 38: Please....Open Your Eyes

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It's been almost a month since the fight and I have slept in this uncomfortable chair every night, beside Astrid as she lays here with morphine and sleeping medication injected into her system. I was happy that she wasn't feeling any pain but at the same time, whenever she woke up, she was never fully awake.

My fucking brother put here in this bed and left her in a condition the doctor had said that there would be a slim chance for her to survive. After Bullet, me and the rest of the guys were finished ripping Gabe from limb to limb then killing Jace's Pack, I carried Astrid back into the castle and called the doctor to come and take a look at her and after he was finished examining and stitching her up, he told us that she had lost a lot of blood and may not heal as fast or even may not make it out of this alive. She had a small chance of survival.

He mentioned also that the marking from the rogues we have had issues with, turned out to be allies with Jace and my brother and that her marking wasn't completed, which meant that she wouldn't become one of them and that within time, the marking will disappear. Again, that was IF she made it out of this alive.

I've been talking to her everyday while holding her hand and giving her gentle kisses, hoping she could hear me.

While I sit here still, looking at her, feeling emotionally drained from all the crying I've been doing, I can't help but think about what life will be like if she makes it out of this.

"You know, I never told anyone this before but, when I was little, I used to pretend that one day, when I became an Alpha that I would find my mate and we would live together in this castle." I stop as I begin to get all choked up and start to clear my throat a little bit as I begin to feel my eyes watering before continuing. "I imagined that my mate and I would fill this place with the laughter of our kids and us embarrassing our kids in front of their friends from just trying too hard to look cool." I stop again and let the tears fall down still. "I never thought I would ever find you. Someone like me. But then I did and you make me so happy. I love waking up with you in my arms and I love watching you sleep as you snore a little bit every so often. You are my world. You are my life. Please come back to me. I love you so much and need you. Don't leave me." I cry out towards the end before standing up and bending over to kiss her on the forehead.

I wipe the tears quickly from my eyes as I hear a quiet knock on the door as it starts to open up and see Bullet standing there in the doorway.

"Hey." He says.

"Hey." I replied.

"Come downstairs and eat with us." He says.

"I'm not hungry." I tell him as I look back over at Astrid and lightly rub my thumb on the back of her hand.

"Come on. You need to eat something Alpha." He says.

Which he's right. It has been a while since I've eaten. A while, try a few days and I do agree that I need to keep up my strength, just in case she wakes up.

"Alright." I nodded in agreement as I got up and slowly began walking towards the door and looked back to see if maybe she had opened her eyes, but her eyes were still closed.

I sighed as I walked past Bullet and we began walking downstairs where I saw everyone already sitting at the table looking at me as I took a seat before everyone began eating.

I ate a little but mostly picked at my food and tried to ignore the awkward silence we were all sharing. No one, especially them have ever seen me this bad.

"So what meetings do we have coming up?" I asked Bullet as I place a bite of food into my mouth while trying avoid this awkward silence as it started to annoy me.

"Uh, well, that Pack before that wanted to become allies with another Pack, they want to speak with you about your offer from before." Bullet finishes.

"Alright." I reply.

Once breakfast was over, I went back upstairs to check on Astrid who still was asleep. I then took a shower, got dressed, kissed her on her forehead and headed downstairs into my office to prepare for the meeting in a few days and to catch up on several things I have missed.

For the next couple of days, the doctor had ordered for me to stay away from Astrid in case she woke up and was still in fighting mode as a side effect to what other drug he gave her to help heal her.

I was upset and broke several things while both my parents, Bullet and the rest of the Pack were trying to calm me down and assure me that it would be okay.

Which I didn't believe them as she was still in the bed in and out of consciousness and not knowing if she was going to survive. In case she didn't, I needed to make sure I was spending every moment I could with her. Even if that meant getting my ass kicked.
But the answer was still no.

So to avoid breaking anymore things, or blowing up even more and possibly hurting someone, I decided it was best if I had stayed in my office and sleep on the couch in there so that I was still close by, just-in-case.

I was still upset and not wanting to come out or see anybody unless it was to let me know she was awake and was gonna be okay. I even cancelled the meeting with that Pack and rescheduled it for another day.

I heard a knock on the door that made me jolt a little while waking me up. I rolled over onto my side on the couch with my back towards the door.

"Go away!!" I growled at whoever was there.

"Come on Alpha, you need to come out of there." Bullet yells out.

"You know the new rule. So unless it's that then go away!" I yelled.

"Ugh. You're so stubborn!" He says and then I no longer hear him knock. Which I'm glad he went away so I could go back to sleep and continue to dream about my mate.

The next couple of knocks came from my mother, then my dad, before it was silent again for almost an hour.

Then right when I feel everyone has finally given up and left me alone, I hear another knock.

"Oh my god! What the HELL don't you guys understand?!" I angrily yell out to them while stomping my way towards the door and opening it with force.

I froze and had to blink a few times to make sure that I wasn't dreaming and that I was really seeing what I thought I was.....Astrid?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :);)

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