CHAPTER 39: I'm Still Here

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I began opening my eyes a little bit and feel fully rested and start to sit up and look around to find Liam but he isn't here. 

I remember a few things about what happened but not everything. I do however, remember that seeing Liam walk towards me, naked while his guys were ripping apart Gabe. 

I try mind-linking with Liam but my head starts to hurt badly every time I try so I stopped. and began slowly turning around and placing my feet onto the hardwood floor and winced at the pain I felt on my lower leg and on my side. 

I rub my eyes to open them some more and start to stand up when I begin to stumble and fall down onto the floor. 

"Great." I chuckled a little bit after saying that out loud to myself. 

I hear the door begin to open and hear Bullet running to me to help me up. 

"Oh my god. Astrid!" He says. 

"I'm okay." I try and assure him. "Just weaker than I thought."

"Here. Let me help you up." He tells me while having me sit back down onto the bed. 

"Thanks." I tell him. 

"Of course. I can't believe you're awake." He smiles. 

"What do you mean? It's not that late." I chuckle. 

"Uh, Astrid, you've been in and out for several days." He tells me. 

"I have?" I asked bewildered a little bit. "Oh my god." I said in shock. "Well, where's Liam? Is he okay?" I asked him worried. 

"He's good. He slept every single night beside you up until a few days ago because the doctor said he needed to give you some time in case you went crazy when you woke up." He chuckles. 

"Oh." I chuckled also. "Where is he now?" 

"He's downstairs. Most likely thrashing his office as he has locked himself in there for the last few days and he hasn't come out."

Bullet and I turn and look at the doorway after hearing some glass breaking. When we looks and see, we notice that Liam's mother is standing in the doorway, surprised and has just dropped her tray of what looked to be a plate of food and drinks on it. 

"Oh my goodness." She says as she begins to tear up and quickly walks over towards me and moves Bullet out of the way and hugs me tightly. 

"Hi." I tell her while hugging her back. 

"Oh sweetie. I am so glad that you are awake. We have all been so worried about you and Liam has been going crazy." She tells me. 

"I'd like to see him." I tell her. 

"Alright." She smiles while standing up and helping me stand up and both her and Bullet are holding on to each one of my arms as we started heading out the room and walking downstairs towards his office. 

When we got to the door, I told them that i'd be okay and had them walk away while I started to  knock on the door. At first, I heard him yell out for me to go away, although I know he didn't know it was me. So I knocked again a little harder and that's when I heard him yelling again something but as soon as he opened the door and saw it was me, he became speechless and had a surprised look on his face. 

"Astrid?" He says to me in disbelief. 

"Yes." I smile. 

"Is it really you?" He asks me again as I noticed him tearing up. 

I walk closer to him and he places one of his hands on the side of my face to make sure that it's really me. 

"It really is me." I assure him again as I placed both of my hands on each side of his face and start kissing him. 

He right away kisses me back as he places his other hand around my waist and wraps it tightly around my waist to press my body against his. 

Then I feel him lifting me up into his arms bridal style and carries me into the office, kicking the door shut with his bare foot and lays me down onto the couch while on top of me, kissing me still. 

We eventually pull our heads apart from each other for a moment and while looking into one another's eyes, we both smile at each other. 

"I thought I lost you." He says under his breath. 

"I know, but you didn't. I love you so much." I tell him tears forming in my eyes. 

"I love you so much too baby." He smiles and then we go back to kissing. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

Short chapter, I know, but I hope you like it. :) The Epilogue will be posted tomorrow. :):)

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