CHAPTER 18: The Marking

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Once breakfast was over, the guys all took off to go do their own thing while mom and Astrid went off to talk and spend a little time together. Which I liked seeing my mom smile as big as she did with Astrid. She is after all, the only one my mom has ever liked.

My dad and I went into his office and began discussing what to do about this new 'situation' we have.

"What do you plan on doing?" My dad asks me.

"I'm not sure yet. I'm still trying to think of something, but in the meantime, I need to train Astrid." I start to tell him with a little hesitance and afraid what he might say.

"What do you mean? Doesn't she know how to fight already? She's more than old enough." My dad commented.

"She shifted before but hasn't done much of that or anything with her wolf yet. Her brother made sure of that." I say the last part through gritted teeth.

"Oh.." Dad says while realizing what I meant. "Have you marked her yet at least?"

"Not yet, I don't want to force her." I tell him.

"But you know you can't have her unmarked for too much longer or else..." He begins before I cut him off.

"I know what will happen, but it won't." I assure him.

"Alright." He replies before taking in a breath and letting it out before continuing. "So..." He begins changing the subject. "Your mom seems to have taken a quick liking to your mate." He grins.

"Yeah. Which I'm glad because Astrid is an amazing person." I begin to tell him.

"She seems like it. She definitely seems genuine and a very nice young woman." He comments me.

I smile at him in agreement as we hear a knock on the door and it starts to open. I turn and see my mom and beautiful mate standing beside her, smiling at me. Damn, my heart melts when she smiles.

"Are you men done?" My mom asks us.

"Yes, we are done my love." My dad replies to her.

"Good." My mom smiles. "Liam, you need to go show Astrid your guys' bedroom." She tells me.

"Alright." I replied.

I walked over towards Astrid, took her hand and we began heading upstairs to the bedroom.

Right when we walked inside, I closed the door behind us and noticed that the guys had already dropped off the couple of bags we brought with us, in our bedroom.

"Wow. This is beautiful." Astrid smiles as she looks in the bathroom and then comes back into the bedroom before looking into the closet, at the vanity desk and then at what soon would be her favorite thing, the balcony. That overlooked the backyard and woods.

I couldn't stop watching her gasp in excitement and comment under her breath at how beautiful and great everything looked. I was happy to see she was truly happy.

As she placed both hands onto the balcony rails, I walked up behind her and placed a hand over one of hers as I wrapped my other arm around her waist and kissed her neck before placing my head on her shoulder.

"Do you like it?" I asked her quietly in her ear.

"I love it." She smiles and turns around, wrapping both her arms around my neck as I place both mine around her waist and we look into each other's eyes for a moment.

"What?" I smiled.

"I've been thinking." She begins. "Since we're mates and since we are going to be together forever. Which I want anyways but, um, well, I want you to mark me." She tells me and both my wolf and I are excited and jumping with excitement deep inside. However, I need to make sure that she's ready.

"Are you sure? Because we can wait and once I do it, things are gonna start changing and happening, not just with your human side but, with your wolf...." I stopped as she interrupted.

"I know. But both my wolf and I want you already. I know that once you mark me, it'll make my wolf want to mate with you and I heard sometimes the female wolves can go crazy when in heat. But I want everyone to know I'm yours and that you're mine." She finishes with assurance in her voice.

"Okay." I agree while continuing to look into her eyes as I gently push aside her ponytail and tilt her head to the side a little bit. Then I notice her take a deep gulp. "It'll only hurt for a short time baby." I promise her.

"Okay. I trust you." She tells me and I smile before exposing my canines and then sinking them into the spot on her neck, marking her as mine.

I hear her yelp and quickly quiets herself by biting down on her lower lip a little before I hear a moan coming from her as I begin licking her mark.

As I pull my head back a little and look at her, I see her slowly open her eyes and look at me.

"You okay baby?" I asked.

"Mhm. It burned a little bit, but didn't last long before I had an AMAZING feeling." She nods. "Now it's my turn to mark you." She smiles.

"Not right now." I tell her.

"What? Why? That's how this works." She begins to say while sounding upset.

"I want you to mark me and you will, but you have to understand Astrid, you have only shifted into your wolf once and have JUST now been able to start getting to know her again. I'm not sure how your body is going to react to me marking you just now, let alone, if you marked me. I just, I don't want to risk anything bad happening to you." I tell her.

She looks at me with uncertainty as I'm sure that right now she's questioning if rather or not I'm telling the truth, which I am.

"I understand." She says while pushing herself out of my arms and starts walking into the bedroom, sad.

"Please, Astrid, I just don't..." I try and explain.

"You don't have to explain. I get it. I just need some air." She tells me and as I try and walk towards her to accompany her, she stops me with her hand out in front of her.

"I need to be alone right now." She says and heads out the door.

Both my wolf and I start feeling sad and a little worried.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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