CHAPTER 23: Damnit Amethyst!!

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I continued to stand on all fours as my wolf took over. She had told me before we came out here that I was going to have to trust her. Now that I have, I must admit that it feels great. I suddenly feel more confident and badass than ever. 

While continuing to look at Liam's wolf, Amethyst begins to cock her head a little bit to the side. 

"So, that's how we're gonna start the training off?" I mind-link Liam. 

"Yes." He replies. Although I can sense him being scared shitless right now as I suddenly realize that I'm snarling and beginning to growl at him. 

"Fine. But just so you know, I'm not going to hold back neither." She warns him. 

"Okay." He replies while trying to sound like he's not scared. 

Instantly, I start sprinting towards Liam and instead of him running away like I thought he would, he came sprinting towards me and right as we get close enough to each other, we both seem to jump in the air towards one another and somehow, I get to push him harshly to the side, causing him to land on his side. 

Then as soon as I land back onto the ground on all fours, I look at him and see him starting to get up. 

"I'm sorry, I thought you were the undefeated badass Alpha?!" Amethyst starts to taunt. 

"Oh I am. I was just going easy on you." He says. 

"Suuuuuuure..." I replied. "Plus, I thought you said that you wouldn't take it easy on me?" I threw his words back at him.

I hear him begin to chuckle before responding. 

"Oh my perfect little mate. You still have so much to learn." He says. 

Before I could reply, I saw him running towards me and I start running towards him as well and as soon as we get to one another, we both begin fighting with our two front paws and snapping our canines at each other but not doing any serious damage to either one of us until for some reason, my wolf begins to tell me that she plans to mark him right now. 

Although I try convincing her not to because it isn't right, she ignores me and pounces on top of Liam causing him to become pinned down on his back and as we look into each other's eyes for a moment and admiring one another, that's when Amethyst takes advantage of the moment and bites down onto his soft spot on the side of his neck, causing him to yelp in pain real loudly. 

He then kicks me off of him and causes me to land several feet away. When I look at him, I notice that he has already shifted back into his human form. 

He is now naked, looking at me as though he wants to kill me and to make matters worse, he starts walking towards me while clenching his teeth. 

I start looking from side to side and without thinking about it, I start running off into the woods not knowing where I'm going exactly. 

"ASTRID!!" I hear him yelling out loud. 

I don't reply and immediately begin to feel light headed. 

"Why the hell did you do that?" I asked Amethyst through mind-link. 

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. Please forgive me. I...." I cut her off. 

"I don't wan't to hear it. I'll deal with you later. Just please take me some place I can get clothes at and take me back towards the castle." I tell her. 

We get back to the castle finally and I put on the pair of clothes that are right near the front entrance to the woods. 

I'm not sure if Liam is back yet, although I can't smell his scent. 

I feel terrible. I can't believe Amethyst went behind my back and did that. Now he most likely wants nothing to do with me. 

I didn't want to talk or see anyone right now and luckily nobody was around. So I headed upstairs into our bedroom, took a shower and got into some comfortable clothes and waited on the bed to try and mind-link with Liam but he seemed to have closed the connection. 

What if he never speaks to me again? What if he doesn't want me now? I really hope it isn't too late to make things right and apologize. 

I ended up skipping dinner and waited up for as long as I could until sleep consumed me and I went to bed. 

When I woke up the next morning, I looked over next to me in the bed and noticed he wasn't there. In fact, he hasn't been in this room since I came home yesterday. 

I got up to get dressed and headed downstairs to hopefully get something to eat seeing as to how I didn't have any dinner last night. 

Right away I regretted going downstairs as I saw the pack, including Liam look at me and stop what they're doing. 

I felt sick a little bit as I started to become nervous and uncomfortable. 

Liam turns his head back around to face the guys and doesn't say anything to me. I begin to feel a sharp pain in my chest and realize that my wolf really messed it up for the both of us. 

Before turning back around to start walking upstairs, Bullet and the rest of the guys all give me a sympathetic look. Before I start crying, I hurry back upstairs and slam our bedroom door shut, fall onto the bed and start crying. 

I guess this is what I get for letting my wolf take full control. Will he ever forgive me for my wolf forcefully marking him without his permission? Will this intense pain ever go away?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Hmmmm, do you think Liam's ego is hurt? Do you think he's really upset for her doing that? I guess we'll find out in the next chapter. Which also, by the way, don't worry, there will be a few more training fights coming up soon that will have a little more action in them until the huge fight that will happen towards the end. ;) 

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