CHAPTER 33: The New King Alpha

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I really had hoped that Melrose and Astrid could have become really good friends but I guess that won't be happening.

After we pulled up in front of the cottage, I felt bad knowing that she was living in a rundown looking place. Why has she never asked for my help before?

"Hey, stop judging. It's a beautiful place." She says while punching me in the arm and laughing.

"Sorry." I chuckled.

We got out and she told me to wait out in the front while she grabbed a few things. Which at first I didn't like the idea because I wanted to make sure first that he wasn't inside but she assured me that she couldn't smell his scent.

While waiting for almost five minutes, I began sensing something was wrong. I started calling our for Melrose but she didn't answer. Worried, I walked inside the place and started looking around until I felt something heavy hit the back of my head and causing me to blackout.


I woke up in a cold, rancid smelling dark room, chained to a wall while on my knees.

I tried to break free from the shackles around my wrist bit couldn't as I soon realized that these chains and shackles had wolfs bane on them and were pure silver.

"It's better if you don't struggle." I heard a deep male's voice. Why does it sound familiar?

I look in front of me where the voice came from and see a dark silhouette figure coming towards me and as soon as he steps into the light, I am immediately filled with rage, sorrow but mostly anger.

"No. It can't be." I tell him in disbelief.

"Hello brother." He grins.

"What the hell?!" I yell at him.

"Oh stop struggling. We both know you'll just makes things worse." He chuckles in an evil way.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I ask.

"You didn't think I'd let father hand over his King Alpha title to you do you? That title is mine and always has been." He says. 

"What the hell are you talking about, Gabe?! You're the one who left on bad terms with everyone. So don't you even think about making this all about a revenge thing." I warn him. 

"Or what?" He chuckles. "There's no way in hell you can stop me, thanks to my mate, Melrose." He grins at me. 

"Melrose is your mate? Oh my god." I begin to say under my breath. "Astrid was right." I start realizing. 

"Speaking of which..." He tells me. "Don't worry about your precious future Luna. I'll make sure to take very good care of her." He smirks at me. 

"I swear if you touch her!" I threaten him as I continue to try and break free from the chains, ignoring the burning sensation I feel from the Wolfs bane and Silver they're made out of. 

"Again brother, there is nothing you can do about it." He grins again.

"She'll never believe it's you. Just cause you like identical to me doesn't mean she won't see that you AREN'T me. She knows my scent." I assure him with a smirk. 

"Ah, that's where you're wrong Liam. You see, Melrose was kind enough to ask one of the local witches around here for serum that will help duplicate any wolf scent. So trust me, She won't know the difference." He says while turning around and starts heading towards the door. Then he stops and looks back at me over his shoulder with a grin. "Oh and before I forget. Mom and dad will both be joining you very soon." He says before leaving and closing the door behind him. 

I still try to break free but I quickly stop as I feel myself getting weaker and weaker. I need to save my strength and try to figure out a way to escape from here. Now that I know I can't trust Melrose, I have to try and think of something else. 

I can't believe that Melrose would do this to me. I wonder what lie he promised her to make her turn against me. I thought we were great friends. 

For the next couple of hours, I'm sitting with my back leaning against the wall behind me and I'm falling in and out of sleep until I hear people talking from upstairs. It's Melrose and my brother. I then try to listen in through the vent that's right above my head.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?." I hear Melrose ask him. 

"Yes, for the last damn time. Don't be such a coward." Gabe snaps at her. "Besides, weren't you the one who told me you wanted to get rid of Astrid? Well, that's what I'm going to do. I'm gonna make an example out of her and use her as a warning to everyone else that thinks they can cross me. Plus, her brother will be at the castle tomorrow morning with his pathetic little pack. She'll be their problem then. So stick to the fucking plan and stop being a weak little bitch!" He yells at her and I also hear him slap her hard. 

"Fuck you!" She yells back at him. 

"What was that?" I hear him yell back at her and the next thing I hear are glasses breaking and some furniture breaking as well. 

Things went silent for a moment before I then heard the front door slamming above and knew it was from him leaving. 

I then hear the sound of footsteps walking upstairs as the wooden floorboards were creaking every step she took. 

Not a moment later did I hear a set of keys jingling a little bit right before the door opened up and in walked Melrose, pissed off and carrying a tray of food. 

She glares at me, opens up the cage door and tosses the plate of raw meat in front of me.

"There!" She angrily says as she turns around and starts to close and lock the door behind her to the cage. 

"Why are you doing this?" I ask her. 

She turns around with an evil grin upon her face before answering. 

"Really? You seriously STILL don't know?" She asks. "My god, you guys are pathetic. Okay, how should I put this...." She begins to say while tapping her chin with her finger before continuing. "Well, the short version I guess is that I had wanted you and I to become mates for so long and when I came back into town recently, I had expected you to follow through with our agreement we made years back, but nooooo, you just HAD to get yourself a damn Luna. A weak, fat and ugly pathetic excuse for a mate." 

"Oh my god, are YOU being serious right now? Did you just hear yourself? We made that deal when we were eleven years old. And you can't help who your mate is. Besides, you're mates with my brother. And for the future, if you ever have one after this, you will come to RESPECT my mate as your soon-to-be Queen Luna!" I fire back at her.

"Doesn't matter. Neither him nor I believe in that shit and we are only together to get what we both want. Doesn't mean we can't have our own little fun along the way. For example, what's going on right now." She says as she looks down at her watch. "In several hours, before the sun is up tomorrow morning, Astrid's brother will be at the castle and meet with your brother, or should I say the soon-to-be NEW you." She smiles as she turns back around to leave. "Oh and just so you know, your powers here are worthless and you won't be able to mind-link your precious little Luna." She starts to cackle. 

Damn that girls laughter was always annoying. Shit, I need to find a way out of here. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

It's about to get craaaaaazy!! hehehehehe

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