CHAPTER 28: I Have A Surprise For Us

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For the last couple of days, I slept beside the bed in a chair just in case she woke up. I wanted to make sure I was there to also explain to her what happened and why I made the decision that I did. 

However, today I needed to catch up on some meetings that I had cancelled so I could be by her side and today I needed to get them over with while she was sleeping still. That way when she woke up, we would talk (if she wanted to) and I'd explain to her what had happened and that I didn't really reject her. 

Plus, I planned to take her to a nice little cottage that my family has owned for a long time and was located miles from the castle deep in the woods so that we could spend some time together and try to relax and continue to get to know one another more. 

Then after the meetings, while on my way back to the castle, I run into Melrose. I'm not sure where she came from or how she knew where I was at since the meetings I was returning from right now were in a secretive place. 

"Hey there handsome." Melrose says while she walks beside me. 

"Hey Mel." I reply. 

"What's going on? Whatch'ya doing?" She asks me. 

"I'm headed back home. I need to check in on Astrid." I tell her. 

"Oh. What's wrong with her?" She asks concerned.

"A couple of days ago she was in heat and I didn't wan't to take advantage of her like that so I had the doctor give her that certain stuff." I tell her with embarrassment. 

"Ohhhh....Well, that was very gentleman-like. You truly are one of the very few gentlemen left." She smiles at me. 

"Thanks." I tell her. 

Before we knew it, we get to the castle and she starts making me laugh and cheers me up like she always has done since we were kids and so I didn't have to feel anymore the guilt I was feeling. As soon as we start heading into the kitchen, I smell Astrid's scent and turn my head to look over at her and the biggest smile I have ever had appears on my face the moment I see her. 

I was so happy to see her awake that I quickly walked up and embraced her in my arms and kissed those luscious pink lips of hers. 

I could tell she feels a little uncomfortable with Melrose being here and could tell it was from her being jealous. I try to assure her that she has nothing to worry about but then Melrose says something and creates an even more awkward moment. 

Luckily, Astrid was very mature and handled herself well. I admired that even more about her. Then she said she needed to talk with me, in which I agreed that we needed to talk. 

As I hug Melrose and say 'goodbye', I can hear Astrid's wolf growl a little bit. Which made me quickly mind-link her to assure her it's okay and luckily worked as I could tell her wolf ws calming down. 

After Melrose left, we started heading up towards the bedroom hand-in-hand and I closed the door behind us. 

"So..." I start off. 

"Where were you this morning?" She asks me as she turns and folds her arms across her chest. 

"I was in a couple of meetings. I thought if I did that then we'd have more time to be together and have some alone time for a while before I'd get busy again with my Alpha duties." I tell her. 

"What happened while I was passed out?" She asks in a jealous tone. 

I smile at her and reply, "Are you jealous?" I ask while walking slowly towards her as she starts backing up. 

"No. It's just a question." She lies. 

"I wasn't with Melrose, if that's what you mean." I assure her. 

"Then why was she with you and touching you like that?" She asks with a cocked eyebrow. 

"Baby, I promise that you have nothing to worry about." I try and convince her. 

"Mhm..." She says before hitting her back against the wall. 

I smirk at her as I get now inches away from her lips and began to place one hand behind her lower back and the other one on one side of her face while looking into her eyes. 

"I. Promise. That. You're. The. Only. One. I. Want. Forever." I tell her while placing sweet gentle kisses on each side of her neck and ending with her sweet spot where I marked her at and heard her wolf start to purr a little bit. 

Then I start to kiss her lips and hear her start to moan while beginning to move my tongue on her bottom lip to ask for entrance, which she grants me and we spend the next few moments with our tongues fighting for dominance. At least until it began to get heated. 

"Don't stop. Please." I hear her breathe out in disappointment.

"Not yet baby. I want it to be special." I tell her as I look into her eyes. 

"Okay." She smiles in defeat. 

"Which speaking of that. We need to pack a few things for a week." I tell her with a quick kiss on the lips. 

"Why? Where are we going?" She asks me. 

"It's a surprise." I smile and wink at her before turning around and grabbing a duffel bag for both our stuff. 

She looks at me as if she expects me to tell her where we're going but I will not spoil it. In fact, Bullet and my mom had helped me put some things together so I want her reaction to be from when she first see's it. 

She finally gives up and starts gathering some of her things too and puts them in the bag. This is gonna be fun and I hope she likes it. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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