CHAPTER 25: From Now On.....

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I don't now what to do. All I feel is pain and yet both my wolf and I are longing for his touch. Stupid mate thing. At least I'm not in heat yet, that wouldn't be any better. However, now that Amethyst bit him, the want and need for him is stronger than it was before.  

As I begin wiping some tears from my eyes I am startled a little bit as I hear a firm knock on the door and right away I know it's Liam, I can smell his scent of Pine. 

"Come in." I sniffle. 

I then hear the door open as I start to sit up and lean against the headboard while fidgeting with my hands nervously on my lap. 

"I'm really sorry that I snapped at both you and your wolf." He begins apologizing while sounding genuine. 

"I'm sorry too that Amethyst marked you without your permission. I swear I tried stopping her and telling her 'no' but I guess I'm just not as strong enough to control her yet." I tell him. 

"No. You are not the one that needs to apologize for anything. I'm the asshole in this situation and am the only one that needs to be saying they're sorry." He says while walking towards the bed and sitting down at arms length beside me. 

I nod my head in agreement before I ask, "Was that the reason why you didn't come home last night?" 

After saying that I noticed out the corner of my eye that he looks as though he's a little tense. 

"No." He replies through a clenched jaw. "I did come home, late. You were already asleep and I was too tired to go upstairs, so I slept on the couch." He replies while continuing to avoid eye contact with me. 

"Okay..." I replied while not being entirely convinced. "Then what about what happened moments ago downstairs? Why did you ignore me?"

He finally turns his head to look at me before answering and right away I can see a little anger in his eyes. 

"Because I was upset with you." He starts telling me. 

"Wait, I'm confused. First you're saying that you weren't upset with me and was just now apologizing and now you're telling me you were actually mad at me? You are so confusing." I tell him getting irritated. 

"I was pissed off at you because I found THIS!" He snaps at me as he pulls out my phone and tosses it onto my lap.

I then look at him bewildered as I take a look at the message and I clearly don't know who the hell it is. 

"Okay..." I begin while trying not to get upset and ignoring the noises my stomach is making. "First off, I seriously have no idea who the hell this is. Second of all, where did you find my phone and why did you even look at it? And lastly, I'm sure it's the wrong number since I'm still a virgin you asshole!" I angrily fire back at him and get up of the bed to start heading downstairs to grab something to eat. 

"Where are you going?!" He asks as he quickly gets up and shuts the door from behind me as I tried to open it up while also feeling his breath on the back of my neck. 

"Let me out Liam or I swear to god." I warn him. 

"We aren't done talking." He says. 

"Yes we are and I'm hungry cause thanks to YOUR immature dumbass, I haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday morning and you're not necessarily my favorite person right now anyways." I tell him and am finally able to leave. 

I'm not exactly sure where all of this confidence is coming from but damn do I love it. Although I'm sure that part of my irritation too is from me starving. 

As soon as I make my way into the kitchen and start pulling a few things out to cook in a pan real quick, I hear him running down the stairs and starts walking towards the kitchen. 

"Astrid..." He begins saying in a more subtle and calm voice. 

"I don't want to hear it right now." I interrupt him while starting up the stove and start to cook a couple of breads with eggs in them. 

"Well I don't care. We need to talk about this." He says. 

"There's nothing to say. You don't trust me, nor do you want me as your mate...." I was trying to continue but before I could say another word, I was quickly turned around by his strong hands as his lips then smashed onto mine and he began kissing me. 

I wanted to push him away and was trying to at first but it was no use. He was still stronger than me and just tightened his hold onto me. Not to mention that my wolf was real excited also as things quickly began heating up between us from the kiss. 

While kissing me still, he turned off the stove and then lifted me up by my thighs and wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me over towards the couch in the entertainment room while not breaking from the kiss at all. Both our tongues kept fighting each other's for dominance and small moans came from the both of us of lust. My god, we needed to stop this. I'm still mad at him. 

We finally pull our head's apart for a moment to catch our breaths and as he's still on top of me on the couch, we're looking into each other's eyes and damnit, the son-of-a-bitch is making it hard for me to stay mad at him for the moment. Instead, my wolf is wanting for us to mate. 

"I'm sorry." Liam tells me as he touches his forehead with mine. 

"We have to trust one another. That's part of what being mates is about. So from now on, how about we don't assume and always communicate with one another. Alright?" I suggest. 

"Okay. I promise." He says. 

"Good. Now I'm still hungry and since you interrupted my breakfast, you need to make something for me." I tell him. 

"Alright." He chuckles and gives me a quick kiss on the lips before helping me up off the couch and heading towards the kitchen to cook me something. 

I think I'm gonna like this new confidence and this whole standing up for myself thing as well. It feels really good. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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