CHAPTER 22: Training My Mate

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I had a meeting early this morning with a friend of mine, Dom,  who is one of the Delta's for a wolf pack that's one of our strongest allies. 

For the past year he has been keeping an eye on Astrid's brother and his pack and as of last night, he apparently had some important information that he needed to tell me. So I told him to come over this morning and tell me what he knew.

While waiting for him to come, I was in my office, talking with Bullet and we were going over what I was gonna start off training Astrid today with when we heard the door open and in walked Dom. 

"Hey man, it's good to see you." Bullet tells him as they give one another a bro hug and then he comes over to me. 

"You too." He says to both of us. 

"So what have you found out?" I ask getting right to the point. 

"Well, I'm sure you have already thought about this but, I heard that he is planning a big fight." He begins to say. 

"I figured." I nod my head in agreement. "That's one of the big reasons in why we are here at my parents castle because no one other than you and a few others know about this place and was the only place I could think of in taking Astrid and my pack to and figure out a plan."

"Good because I don't have a good feeling." He tells me. 

"I'm not afraid of that little bitch." I comment. 

"I don't know. I've heard some things about him lately and who he's been making allies with and all I'm saying is that you need to be careful and prepared." He warns me. 

"Who has he made allies with?" Bullet asks.

"I don't know exactly who it is yet, as far as their names however, I do know that whoever they are, they have Jace becoming less and less worried as well as less scared of you. But as soon as I find out I will tell you." He assures me. 

"Good. Cause I need to know who is with us and who is against us." I tell him. 

"Of course." He says. 

We all share a brief moment of silence until I look down at my watch and notice that I'm gonna be late in meeting up with Astrid for the training. So I decide to cut it short. 

"Well, as great as it is to see you, I need to go and meet up with my mate." I tell him. 

"Oh yeah? You finally found a girl who could put up with your shit?" He jokes. 

"Shut up." I tell him. 

We then say our goodbyes to each other and head off to do our own things. 

When I meet up with Astrid we head off towards the training grounds and as cruel as it might sound, I decided that I would train her the way that I was trained to become an Alpha. Yes, it's the most intense training out all of them. However, I know that she is strong and will make it through the training and become the best Luna ever. Also, I figure this will help raise her confidence. 

The training started off rockier than I had expected but I felt that it was a great way to start and to show her that I won't go easy on her and to prepare her for the unexpected. Even though we were gonna be training a lot for a while, I wanted to start off tough right away. 

After her first attempt to try and attack me after I told her to and ended up tossing her several feet away from me, I began thinking that maybe I started off too strong as I can see her stare at me and ask me what my deal was. 

I wasn't trying to purposely hurt her but she needed to understand that she had to always be prepared for the unexpected to explain the reason why I had done what I just did. 

Fortunately, she understood and we continued to train for the next two hours before calling it a day and heading back towards the castle. 

Though before we headed back, I wanted to try one more thing. Now, I don't know what made me think about saying something as stupid as I was about to, but I did it. 

"Before we leave. I wan't you to try to come at me one more time." I mind-link with her. 

"I'm too sore and too tired." She begins whining a little bit. 

"I know but, I want you to do something different this time. I wan't you to picture your brother, his mate and his pack and everything cruel they have ever said or had done to you, I wan't you to think about how that makes you feel and then attack me, using that pain and anger that I know you have had build up deep inside of you." I tell her. 

"I can't." She begins. 

"Yes, you can. It's okay." I assure her. 

"No, it's not. I don't wan't to become a monster. I don't wan't to be that kind of a wolf who uses their real pain as a tool to become upset and violent. I refuse to be like my brother." She says upset.

I walk up towards her and lightly rub my nose against hers which cause both mine and her wolf to purr a little bit out of satisfaction.

"Listen Astrid, I am only doing this because I need for you to see the difference between anger and using your pain to help keep yourself and others around you safe. Particularly, in a fight." I tell her.

"Okay. I'll try." She says. 

I start backing up several feet away and watch her as she gets ready to come at me again. I notice her closing her eyes and it looked like she was thinking about something (most likely the horrendous things that were said and done to her by them). Which it didn't take her long to think about anything as she opened her eyes and began to stare me down while showing her canines and growling at me. Her eyes made me forget that it was Astrid or her wolf because of her eyes that normally are a hazel green, I saw her eyes turn blood red with a hint of grey. 

I will be honest, that by the way she was looking at me right now, I felt a big lump in my throat and began backing up slowly a little as I started feeling something I rarely feel.........FEAR. 

There is only one group that has ever made me feel as terrified as I was beginning to feel.....The group of rogues that are our enemies. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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