CHAPTER 17: Ireland

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The night he took me to dinner was one of the best nights of my life and one of the best meals I have had in I don't know how long. One of my favorite parts was that I didn't have to cook and then do the dishes afterwards. 

Things were going pretty good and although it sounds like him and I might be rushing things, we aren't. I haven't let him mark me yet or mate with me. Which I know that according to the wolf's law, it's what mates do. But I don't know, I guess I'm not entirely ready for that to happen yet.

It isn't that I don't like him, we have fun together and he's been nothing but patient, understanding, loving, respectful....I could go on forever about how amazing he is and how great he has been to me.

I don't know, maybe I'm being stupid. He is after all my mate and I really do like him a lot as I know he does with me also.

Today after waking up and getting ready for the day, I decided that tonight I was gonna have him mark me.

I had been waiting all day long for Liam to return from doing a few of his Alpha duties and I thought he would have at least been back by dinner but he wasn't and I ended up waiting up for him until eleven and after looking down at my phone and seeing that he hadn't replied to any of my messages I sent him, I end up falling asleep.

I was having a real good dream when I was woken up by Liam from him shaking me a little bit.

"Baby? Baby, wake up! We need to leave!" He panics. 

"What's going on?" I asked him while rubbing my eyes to try and wake up a little more. 

"We have to get out of here. There are a bunch of rogues that have killed some of my pack and are coming this way. We need to go somewhere safe." He tells me as he's walking around with a duffel bag and packing my clothes along with his as well while I'm trying to go as fast as I can to get dressed. 

"But where are we gonna go?" I asked him. 

"We're gonna take my family's private jet and leave for Ireland to go and stay with my parents. They have already left and are waiting for us. We're gonna stay there, just until I figure out what we're gonna do next." He tells me. 

"Okay." I reply as I pull a sweater over me and put on my flats. 

He grabs my hand after handing the duffel bag towards Bullet. Then stops for a minute and looks at me. 

"Look at me baby." He says while lifting my chin up to face him. "I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe." He assures me. 

"I know." I smile back at him and he gives me a kiss on the lips as we continue walking downstairs and get into his truck where Bullet ends up driving us towards where the jet is.


I continued to sleep on the way to Ireland, which took a little over seven hours to get to.

Liam woke me up by kissing me gently on my cheek and right when I opened my eyes up and looked out the window while stretching a little bit.

Liam woke me up by kissing me gently on my cheek and right when I opened my eyes up and looked out the window while stretching a little bit

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When I had gotten off the private jet and Liam and I were walking towards the castle hand in hand, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. His parents lived here? By the water with all this land?

It was beyond beautiful and I couldn't find any words to describe how incredibly amazing and beautiful it looked. The nice cool breeze and the sound of waves crashing onto the rocks attached to the cliff their castle was on was soothing in a way.

When we walked inside, I was looking around at how even more beautiful it looked.

As I began looking around, I turned and saw Liam smiling at me with admiration.

"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing. It's just that you look so beautiful." He replies while walking up to me and gently placing a kiss on my lips.

We were interrupted by a deep husky voice and looked to see who it was.

"You made it." The man smiled as he walked up to Liam and hugged him.

"Yeah." Liam hugged him back. "This is Astrid. She's my mate. Astrid, this is my father." He tells me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He smiles at me  while raising my hand to place a kiss on it.

"You too." I replied feeling a little embarrassed at the way that I looked with my hair in a ponytail, leggings and a sweater.

His dad was in his fifties and had a salt and pepper colored hair that was slicked back and touched the nape of his neck and looked  to be in good shape.

"Well let's go see your mom. She's been looking forward to seeing you and has spent most of the morning cooking up a huge breakfast for everyone." He says.

We start following behind him down the hall straight ahead and turn to the left and into the dining room.

It was very intimate with the lights and the dark wooden decor in the room

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It was very intimate with the lights and the dark wooden decor in the room.

I knew they had to have entertained a lot. Especially with them being head council and all.

As we took our seats, it wasn't too long until the doors that were attached to the kitchen opened up and in walked a beautiful victorian dressed woman who looked to be in her early forties and had dark brown curly hair cascading to the bottom of her lower back. She was beautiful. Liam had her eyes, color hair and her lips.

"Alright guys, bon appetit." She says while setting down the huge platter of food.

Everyone starts laughing as I see her look at both Liam and me and screams in excitement while hurrying to come towards us as both Liam and I stand up.

She embraces me with a huge hug at first. Which surprised both Liam and I.

"Mom?!" Liam says.

"Hey, I have carried you around for nine months, spent twenty-two years around you, not to mention having all your all male pack here, it's good to have a woman here." She smiles and winks.

"It's nice to meet you too Mrs...." I was stopped.

"Let me stop you right there. You are part of this family now. Call me mom or Bethany. Although I prefer mom." She winks at me.

"Okay." I smiled.

"Okay mom. Stop hovering." Liam teases her.

"Oh hush and give your mom a hug." She tells him as they both hug each other tightly.

You can tell they are a close family by the  way his parents hug. Very warm and welcoming. I think I may like it here.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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