CHAPTER 35: Gabe.....

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I'm still trying to figure something out in what to do but I can't mind-link with anyone and for the first time in my life, I feel out of control and I hate it. 

Then out of nowhere, I hear a loud knocking upstairs from someone at the front door. Please tell me that's one of my guys. 

"Bullet?" Melrose says in a fake 'surprising' tone of voice. 

"I'm looking for Liam. Where is he?" He asks. 

"I don't know. He left yesterday and told me that he was going back to the castle." She lies. 

"I'M DOWN HERE!" I start to yell as loud as I can with all that I have left and hoping that he will hear me. In which he does as I can hear some movement going on upstairs and things breaking and furniture being moved and broken. I hope he's kicking her ass and it's not the other way around. 

Shortly after everything became silent upstairs, I heard the door open up slowly and luckily, I let out a big breath I hadn't realized I was holding as I was relieved to see it was Bullet. 

"Oh my god." He says while looking at me in shock as he rushes towards me and looks around and spots an axe beside the staircase and quickly runs to it, picks it and runs towards me and breaks the chains off and luckily it removes the shackles around my wrists too at the same time. 

He begins to help me up and I almost fall back down when he catches me. 

"You alright man?" He asks me. 

"Yeah, just I need something to get my strength back." I tell him. 

"I can help you with that." Bullet tells me while pulling out a small bottle of clear liquid. " Drink this." He says as he removes the cap and hands it to me. 

"What is it?" I ask. 

"I got it off a witch a couple of years ago in case any one of us needed it for an emergency." He chuckles. 

I lean back against the wall to help keep me standing upright as I look at the bottle that he just handed me and finally I took a deep breath and let it out before I downed every last drop of the disgusting liquid. I swear that by the way it tastes, it better work fast. 

Within less than two minutes, I instantly began feeling my strength coming back and all my senses returning along with my wolf coming back as well. 

"You good?" He asks. 

"Yeah, I think so." I tell him. "We need to get back to the castle. Gabe is behind all of this." I tell him. 

"Shit." Bullet replies. 

"We need to get back to the castle now and then try to get a hold of my parents." I began. 

He nods in agreement as we start running upstairs and run past Melrose's now lifeless body. I would have sympathy but I can't. Not for her anymore with what all she has put both me and my mate through.

We run for almost an hour after shifting right away into our wolf form and before finally getting to the castle where as soon as we get there, I can smell the foul scent of Gabe along with Jace, Astrid's brother's scent and and the rest of his disgraceful pack. I begin growling until I take in a deep whiff of my favorite scent, Astrid's. She's still here and is still alive. 

I look over at Bullet and mind-link him, "I need for you to go and get the rest of the pack now. I'm gonna try and do what I can until you return." I tell him. 

"Alpha, you can't go in there by yourself. Wait until I return with the pack." He pleads. 

"Astrid may not have that much time." I tell him. 

"Alpha...." He begins. 

"Please, just do it." I say. 

"Be careful." He replies after looking at me for a moment. 

"Always." I assure him even though obviously deep down, I don't know if I can.

He immediately begins running as fast as a speeding bullet, which is of course, how he got his name while I hid behind the bushes and looked to see how many wolves were outside, standing guard. Man, this was gonna be easy. 

I quickly shift back into my human form and get dressed in the clothes behind the bushes and start walking up towards the castle when the two wolves that were standing guard, they looked at me and began growling instantly and then started running towards me and getting ready to attack when I grab one by the neck and snap it in half while tossing the lifeless body onto the ground before turning around and seeing the other wolf jump onto me, knocking me down to the ground, trying to bite me. 

I try and kick him off but he's pretty strong, i'll admit. At least that's what I thought until he tried biting me again and I was able to grab his mouth and snapped it wide opened, breaking his jaw and killing him instantly. 

Then once I pushed him off of me, I quickly began heading into the castle, not caring who got in my way and tried to stop me cause they would get the same fate as the ones outside. 

When I walked in, so far, I couldn't see anybody and then I heard my father starting to growl while Gabe was yelling and then I heard both my mom and Astrid giving a bloodcurdling scream as though they were in pain. I immediately started running towards where the screams were coming from when suddenly I heard someone coming from behind me and I quickly turned around just in time as I grabbed their wrist right as they were about to hit me and twisted it to where I ended up breaking their arm. 

A few others were coming at me at once and one was able to cut me on my abs but I ignored it as I knocked the knife out of their hand and grabbed them by the hair and slammed his head onto the kitchen counter really hard, knocking the guy out and as I tried fighting off the others that were coming towards me, I suddenly felt someone knock me down onto the floor face down and then get picked up by a couple of guys and started being dragged into the living room. 

I was enraged while seeing my mom, Astrid and my father, tied up in chairs that were next to each other with bruises and blood all over them from being hit. 

"Ah, took you long enough. You're just in time." Gabe tells me. 

"You son-of-a-bitch, you are dead!" I tell him while trying to struggle free from the two Delta's from Jace's Pack that are struggling themselves in trying to hold me back right now. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

Will Liam be able to save all of them or does Gabe have another evil trick up his sleeve that will change everything forever for them all? Hopefully Bullet can return in time before something happens to them. Hmm........I guess we shall see when I post later on today since it's now a little past midnight my time. lol. But don't worry, I will post the next chapter soon. (aka, later on today). 

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