CHAPTER 4: The Invitation

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 After the dinner was over and after I was finished cleaning up and doing the dishes, I started making my way upstairs to take a shower and get ready for bed. 

Once I was finished with the shower and after putting my PJ's on, I walked over towards my little night stand that was next to my side of the bed and began brushing my hair. 

While brushing it, I looked down to where my phone was at and noticed a pearly white colored envelope that had silver lettering on the front saying, 'Full Moon Ball' in calligraphy. 

"Where did this come from?" I said to myself out loud. 

I began to open it up and inside, I pulled out a small piece of torn off paper that had Bullet's name and cell phone number on it. I then began reading what was on the invitation:                                   

                                   You are cordially invited to attend our 21st Annual 
                                   Full Moon Ball that will be hosted by
                                   Mr. & Mrs. Pines. The theme for this year is a 
                                   Masquerade. We look forward to seeing you. 
                                   Please RSVP. 

                                             2288 Victoria Avenue  Evansville, Indiana 

                                                            Six Thirty P.M. - Midnight

I can't help but smile at the fact that Bullet left this for me. I finally have gotten an invite to the biggest and most exclusive party ever. 

I grabbed my phone and looked down at his number and began to call him. 

"Hello?" He answers. 

"Hi." I say. "This is Astrid. You had dinner at our house earlier tonight?" I reminded him. 

"Oh yeah. How are you doing gorgeous?" He asks. 

"I'm good." I reply while blushing. "I got your invitation." I tell him. 

"Good. I was hoping you would." He replies. 

"Yeah." I take in a deep breath and let it out as I know that I'm gonna regret what I'm about to tell him but I really have no other choice. "I appreciate the invite but there's no way I can go." 

"What? Why?" He asks sounding disappointed. 

"Because my brother and the pack. They won't let me go and I can't try to sneak out either. They're always watching me very closely." I tell him as I look over my shoulder at the door to make sure nobody can hear me and is coming inside my room. 

"Hmm. Well, that's a problem you see, because we would love to have you there, but I see what you mean about your asshole of a brother and his bitch slut of a Luna. So how about this, why don't I send an invite to your house that is addressed to your brother and the entire pack and inside I will make sure it says that you especially, need to come or else they can't." He tells me. 

Did I just hear him correctly? Did he seriously just tell me he was gonna make sure that I came to the Ball? What's the catch? 

"Uh...." I began.

"Don't worry about it. All you need to worry about is what to wear." he tells me. 

"Okay." I blush and bite my lower lip a little bit. "Thank you." I tell him. 

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