CHAPTER 24: Stop Being A Little Bitch

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I didn't mean to overreact but her wolf should know better than to try and mark me without my permission. 

'Shit! Maybe I'm overreacting.' I said to myself.

"Hell yes you overreacted, you damn drama queen!" My wolf tells me.

"I know!" I snap at him. 

"So go fix it then." My wolf tells me. 

I take in a breath and let it out before shifting back into my wolf form and begin heading back towards the castle. 

As soon as I got to the entrance of the woods that faced the back of the castle, I grabbed the clothes that were behind one of the trees and put them on real quick before walking towards the castle. I looked at our bedroom window and started feeling a little nervous but mostly felt guilty. 

Then just as I started to walk inside, I heard her cell phone go off nearby. Which I had forgotten her clothes were still here that she removed before shifting. 

I start picking up the clothes in the pile and right as I find her phone, I look down and see that there's a missed call from an 'unknown' number. 

Now I didn't want to jump to conclusions and started thinking that maybe it was a wrong number. 

As I start walking towards inside the castle, I hear her phone go off again only this time it's a text message that happens to be from the 'unknown' number again. 

At first I wasn't gonna assume anything or over think anything but on the other hand, I wanted to make sure that it wasn't an enemy or another threat to us. However, as I began reading the text, I begin to feel a sharp intense pain in my chest as I read:

                               Can't wait to see you again. It's been a while and I miss you. 

                               I miss your body on top of mine. See you very soon, Darling.

Who the hell is this? I wondered. Now seriously, how can I NOT overreact to that? Both my wolf and I are beyond pissed off right now and know that we shouldn't be anywhere near her or anyone. So I'm leaving for a run and then once I calm down, I'll then come back to try and talk with her. 

Although by the time I returned, it was late and I assumed she was already sleeping so I decided to sleep downstairs on the couch and wait to deal with everything in the morning. 


After waking up the next morning, I saw that my mom had made a huge breakfast for everyone before her and my father left to go to a meeting. 

I joined all the guys at the table and decided to let Astrid continue to sleep. Which I'm glad actually that she wasn't awake because this way I figured that I would have enough time to think of what I was going to say to her. 

I still felt hurt, upset and jealous as hell after reading that text. I really hoped it wasn't what I thought it was. 

While eating breakfast, it seemed as though there was an awkward silence that filled the room so I irritatingly decided to clear the air. 

"What is it?" I asked assertively while looking around the table at them. 

"Alpha..." Bullet begins. "Is everything okay with you and Astrid?" He asks me. 

The pain grew stronger after he asked me that which only angered me more. 

"Mind your business." I snap at him while continuing to eat. 

"Chill bro. I was just asking." Bullet says with his hands in the air in a surrendering gesture. 

Before I could respond, I could feel that Astrid was standing behind me and turned my head and glared at her as I could see she wanted to say something. But I just couldn't right now. I thought that I was ready to talk to her but I guess not. 

Right as she starts heading back upstairs upset, a part of me wanted to go after her and hold her in my arms and let her cry in them but I am the one that caused her to cry and believe it or not, that kills me. 

So I get up to put my dishes into the sink when I hear one of the chairs at the table slide out as it makes a loud sound against the hardwood floor. 

"Oh hell no!" I hear Bullet shout towards me as he stands and glares at me. 

"What?!" I asked irritated. 

"We are NOT doing this! Something is up, I know it. In fact, we all can tell. Now, you don't have to tell us Alpha exactly what's going on but I swear that if you think that you acting this this way towards Astrid is gonna slide with me then you better think again!" Bullet threatens me. 

"Stay out of it!" I shout back to him. 

"Or what?" He challenges me. 

I start walking out from the kitchen and up to his face until I am only inches away. 

"I will figure this out." I tell him through gritted teeth. 

"Alpha, I swear that I am only saying all of this for your own good. We both know that you're overreacting and DON'T you damn ruin this opportunity with being happy and growing old with your soulmate be ruined by some petty argument or whatever the hell is going on between you two. I mean really, did she kick your ass during training or something?" He asks. 

"That's not what I'm pissed about." I tell him. 

"Okay, then what the hell is it?!" he demands. 

"Her wolf fucking marked me without my permission first of all. Then while returning back home, I found a text on her phone from an 'unknown' number that mentioned how much they missed her and her body!" I yelled at him. 

"Really? Did you even ask her about it? Maybe it was the wrong number or something and as far as her marking you goes, just be lucky that her and her wolf even want your dumb stubborn ass!" Bullet fires back at me. "Now why don't you man the hell up and go talk with her to make things right or else..."

"Or else what?" I interrupted him. 

"Or else..." He begins to say while sounding like he was thinking of what next he wanted to say and then he starts grinning at me. "Or else I'll take her out and show her what a REAL man is like." 

That's when I grab him by the neck and push him hard up against the wall behind him. 

"DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER!" I growl at him. 

He starts laughing while trying to remove my hand from his neck. Which irritates me a little more as I begin to glare at him before loosening up my grip and watch him drop down onto the floor. 

Everyone looks at the both of us and are quiet. 

"I. Knew. You. Still. Had. A heart." he coughs out as he tries catching his breath too and smiling at me. 

We both look at each other and it doesn't take long until I break down and smile back at him while helping him up off the ground. 

"I'm sorry man. I don't know whats come over me lately." I apologize. 

"It's all good. I know it's your time of the month again." He jokes and all the guys along with me start laughing. "Besides, I like fucking with you. It's finny as hell." 

"Asshole." I hit him in his chest. 

"Well if you girls are done with your soap opera episode..." Cedric interrupts. "We've got things we need to do." 

All the guys, including Bullet start to get up from the table and leave while I try to quickly think of something to say to Astrid. 

While standing outside our bedroom door, I take in a breath and let it out before beginning to knock. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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