CHAPTER 6: What Have I Done?!

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Oh my god. I feel sick and yet terrified at the same time. I can't ever come back from this. I knew this was only going to end with me dead. I never should have hit him although he never should have grabbed my wrist. All that did was make me think about the horrible things Jace and the pack have done to me throughout the years. However, at the same time it's not his fault since he didn't know. 

I quickly ran outside in the front to try and get some fresh air while trying to hide the tears and hoping to avoid Jace's wrath as I knew he was going to punish me badly right when we got home. 

Although, wait a minute, did I hear my wolf right? Was he really my mate? It couldn't be right and also, did I really just hear from my wolf? Oh my god, I thought I lost her forever. I wanted to talk with her again and try to catch up but before I was able to talk with her again, I heard Cherri come running up behind me out of the house, yelling.

"What the hell is your problem you ungrateful fat bitch!?" She yells at me as she slaps me hard against the face. "How DARE you humiliate the Alpha in such a manner! Do you realize what you have done?!" She yells and then to make matters worse, I hear my brother and the rest of the pack stomping outside behind her towards me. 

"You fucking ugly whore! I ask you to do one thing for me in not humiliating me but you couldn't resist, could you?!?" He punches me hard enough that almost makes me lose my balance and fall to the ground but one of the guys from the pack stops me by grabbing my arm and standing me up real quick. 

"I'm sorry." I try not to cry out but can't stop myself. 

"Shut the fuck up before you make more of a scene! You have no idea the damage you have done that I now have to try and figure out to fix!" He yells and hits me in the stomach again before grabbing me by my arm and throws me into the limo while telling me not to get blood all over the seats. 

I can't believe this is my life. I can't believe I reacted the way that I did. Alpha Liam was most likely being genuine and didn't seem to be disgusted with me as I'm sure his wolf was telling him the same thing of us being mates. Oh my god, why am I such a fuck up?

In fact, you know what? I hope that tonight is the night my brother finally kills me. This way no one will ever need to deal with me ever again. 

The last thing I feel while the limo began to drive off towards our house was a hard blunt object hit me in the back of the head that caused me to black out. 


A few days later.....

I have now been in this dungeon that's in Jace's huge ass basement, for days with little amounts of food and water along with the constant flashbacks of all the torturing he started doing to me the night we came back from the ball while I'm shackled around my neck to the wall and have little room to walk around. I feel as though I'm a wild animal that's locked up in a cage. 

I felt so tired and weak and kept thinking every minute of the past few days that at any time he was going to come in and kill me to end this suffering and pain I was feeling. Then again, he loves doing torture, especially when it's aimed towards me. 

I was sitting on the cold and dirty concrete floor with little lighting and felt my throat feeling a little bit dry and as I looked over towards the bowl of water they left me, that was now empty. 

The sound of the door from upstairs opened up and down walked Jace's Beta-Jimmy, towards me. 

He knelt down in front of me and tried to move my hair away from the side of my face but I didn't accept his touch as I quickly turned my face away from him. 

"Why do you have to make him so mad?" He asks sounding like he genuinely cares when we both know he doesn't. 

"Can I please have some water?" I ask him with a dry voice. 

He just took in a breath and let it out as he took out a large water bottle and began filling up the bowl with now fresh water. 

Right as soon as he was finished pouring it, he also slammed a plate of meat in front of me. To which after lifting the bowl to drink a lot of the water, I then grabbed the plate and began scarfing down the meat as it tasted so good since I haven't really eaten anything solid in the past few days. 

I ignore him and continue eating and drinking until I out of nowhere began feeling his hand on my thigh which caused me to flinch and scoot back against the wall really quick. 

"Oooo. You like to play rough?" He grins. 

"Fuck you!" I yell at him as I then grab the metal plate he gave me of food and spilled the rest of what was on the plate of,f before slamming the plate hard against the side of his head and then quickly grabbed the key I saw sticking out of his pocket that went to my shackle and quickly tried to unlock it and right as I began running, I was feeling good and as though I was going to be able to escape as I got to the first step and then quickly felt two hands grab my ankles and pull me down hard, causing me to hit my hands hard against the stairs as Jimmy begins to drag me back towards him and then pins me down with my hands above my head, covering my mouth. 

"You fucking bitch!" He yells. "You're gonna pay for that." He says to me and right as he tries leaning in to kiss me, someone else calls out to him from the top of the stairs. 

"Jimmy! Hurry the hell up!" The guy says. 

As the guy walks away, Jimmy looks back down at me and grins before telling me, "This ain't over whore!" 

He then grabs me by my arm and starts dragging me up the stairs. What the hell is he gonna do to me? 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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