CHAPTER 12: Brand New Home?

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I know that Liam was trying to protect me and not have me watch as he was going to kick my brother's ass. However, Bullet wouldn't budge and also was really good at not letting me get by him so I could watch what's going on.

Finally, I gave in and surrendered. To which he of course was real happy about.

A couple of Alpha Liam's guys came inside while the rest stayed outside to watch....Luckyyyyy.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." Bullet says as he takes hold of my hand and we head upstairs into my bathroom in my room where he sits me down on the toilet by the sink while he takes out a first aid kit and starts cleaning my face up.

To avoid any awkward silence, I decided this would be a good time to ask him a few questions about Liam.

"So tell me about Liam." I said.

"What would you like to know?" Bullet chuckles as he finishes up wiping off the dried up blood.

"I don't know. Anything. I mean, I know I can always ask him questions but I thought you could just give me an idea of what he's like." I smile.

"Well, him and I have never been together in such an intimate way." He jokes.

"Come on. I'm being serious." I tell him as we both share a quick laugh and I punch his shoulder.

"Alright alright." He begins while he finishes up and tosses everything in the trash. "I'll tell you something that you should know about him that not many do. He used to..." He stops as we hear Liam behind us.

"We're leaving." He says.

I look up at Liam and as Bullet helps me up, as I wince in pain from the punch to my stomach and quickly after noticing, Liam came and picked me up bridal style and we all began heading downstairs out towards their truck and since it was a quad cab, he sat in the back with me while not letting me.
Not that I wanted him to let me go or me to let him go so instead, I just snuggled more into his warm embrace for the rest of the ride back towards his house.

Once we pulled up, it was really late and I had apparently fallen asleep on my way here and after he insisted on carrying me into the house, I let him until once we got inside, I suddenly had to use the bathroom.

"Can you please put me down?" I asked him as I looked into his sexy eyes.

"No." He says.

"But I have to use the bathroom. Please, can I?" I asked him with a pouting face.

"Of course my love." He says as he sets me down. "But for the future, you don't need permission to use the bathroom. From now on, this is your home as well." He smiles at me and I quickly felt at ease.

"Okay." I smiled back at him before he pointed to the bathroom and I ran since I was about to explode.

Once I was done and finished washing my hands, I headed back out towards the living room but before I could start walking, I felt two arms wrap around my waist and pull me into the person's chest.

"I missed you." Liam says.

"I just was gone for two minutes." I chuckle a little bit.

"I know, but still." He smiles before leaning in to kiss me.

Damnit he's a great kisser! I feel I can kiss him all day long.

"Um, Alpha?" I asked him.

"Yes, my Love?" He replies while gently caressing the side of my face.

"I'm feeling a little tired." I say.

"Come on. I'll show you to our room." He smiles before placing another kiss on my lips and takes my hand as we begin walking upstairs.

Wait, did he just say, OUR room?

Right when we walk inside the room, you can tell it's definitely a guys.

"This is really..."I tried thinking of the right word but he beat me to it.

"Sexy? Too manly?" He asks.

"Well, I don't know about the sexy part but manly, yes." I tell him.

"Then you can make it however you want. Just don't make it look too girly or color the walls pepto bismal pink. I will throw up everyday." He chuckles.

"Okay. I promise." I smile as I reply.

"Good." He smiles.

We both look at each other for a brief moment until we hear a knock on the door.

"Alpha? Astrid?" We heard Bullet's voice coming from the other side of the door.

"Come in." Liam tells him.

Bullet slowly opens the door and peeks his head inside and then when he see's us he smiles and opens the door more as he comes walking in while carrying my bag.

"Here. I thought you might need this." He says while handing the bag to me.

"Oh, thanks. I almost forgot." I chuckled.

"Figured. Since this beast here was hovering over you." He gestures with his head towards Liam which made Liam roll his eyes a little bit.

"Yeah." I jokingly agree and see Liam looking at me with a cocked eyebrow like 'oh really?!' Along with a smile.

Bullet laughs and then starts walking out the door but stops and turns to look back at us.

"Well goodnight you too. Be sure to keep it down tonight. These walls aren't exactly solid." He winks and smiles at us which causes me to blush.

Liam growls a little at him. "Leave!" He says through gritted teeth with clenched fists.

"Alright alright. I'm going." He chuckles before closing the door.

Liam locks it and looks back at me feeling a little embarrassed at what Bullet said.

"It's okay." I assure him with a smile. "I'm gonna get changed in some PJ's before cuddling up with him in bed and falling asleep in his arms while feeling the warmth of his bare chest.

Maybe this is all just a dream. Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and realize that it was the best dream I ever had. None of this could be real. I couldn't have easily gotten away from my brother and the pack.

No matter what this is, real or not, I'm gonna enjoy it.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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