Chapter One

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Chapter One

Lia's POV- Charlotte, NC 

"SING ALONG TO MY STEREO!!" I sing along to Stereo Hearts playing on the radio. Drumming my fingers on the steering wheel, I look at the time: 1:24pm. Ooh lunch time, and as if on cue my stomach makes a sound like a dying animal. I pull into McDonalds and order a McChicken and a Carmel Frappe. "Your total is $3.57. Please pull up to the window." I pull up, pay and head home.

"Ooh! PAYPHONE!! IM AT A PAYPHONE TRYING TO CALL HOME! ALL OF MY CHANGE I SPENT ON YOU! WHERE HAVE THE TIMES GONE? BABY IT'S ALL WRONG! WHERE ARE THE PLANS WE MADE FOR TWO? IF HAPPY EVER AFTER DID EXIST, I WOULD STILL BE HOLDING YOU LIKE THIS, ALL THOSE FAIRY TALES ARE FULL OF SHIT ONE MORE FUCKING LOVE SONG I'LL BE SICK!" I scream out. Yeah I changed the lyrics at the end cause it describes my life so well right now. Damn ex boyfriend. Broke my guitar and my window! I pull into the parking lot of my apartment. Grabbed my bag of food and shut the door. Soon as I got inside I turned the radio back on to hear the end of Payphone.

I start to eat my sandwich as the dj guy came on, "Alright that was Payphone by Maroon 5. Before we start our next song, how about I announce the winner of our contest. If you win, you will live with One Direction, the British/Irish boy band, for a whole year. All expenses paid for by Modest! Management." I finish eating and throw my food away, sucking down my frappe. I swear if I die, it'll be because of the amount of carmel frappe's I inhale daily. I practically keep McDonalds open & running with the amount of money I give them for the frappe's. Ooh. They should give me an award and say, Thank you Lia Higgins. Hehe. I'm so lame.

I get back to the living room right as they are about to announce the winner. I honestly don't care about it. I didn't enter & I have absolutely no idea who One Erection is or whoever it was. "Alright. The winner is chosen at random and chosen by the computer. The winner is.... LIA HIGGINS!!" I spit out my frappe and stare at the radio. What the hell?! I know what you're thinking, I thought you didn't enter the contest, and I honestly didn't. I swear. "Lia Higgins of Charlotte, North Carolina. Come by the radio station with identification and we'll set you up shortly. Here's Boyfriend by Justin Bieber."

I turned off the radio for two reasons, one: I HATE that song & I need to get to the station. I grab my keys and get in the car. I drive in silence for awhile. Oh who am I kidding? Why in the world am I freaking going to the station? To go? Nah. To tell them I didn't enter the contest? Yeah. That! I pull into the stations parking lot.

I tell the receptionist who I am, flashing my id, and soon I have a plane ticket to the United Kingdom. I check my plane ticket flight time and see that I leave tonight at 9pm. Damn. I guess I'm going to meet One Erection or who ever.

A few hours later, I'm done packing and I put my passport in my purse. I check everything and I'm done. Jeez. I'm 18 & going to the UK! It's my dream to go there. I call my best friend on my car phone on the way to the airport.  

Hello? Amanda? -L 

Lia! Hey! Whats up? -A 

Nothing much. On my way to the airport. -L 

Airport?! What for? -A 

I apparently won a contest & get to live with One Erection for a year. -L 

One Erection?! You mean One Direction? -A 

I hear her giggle and I sigh.  

Yeah. Them. Don't know who they are but I'm going to the UK. -L 

Omg. You better fly me out there! I love One Direction & I've always wanted to go to the UK! -A 

Oh that's right I forgot you are a... What's it called again? -L 

Directioner! I'm a Directioner! -A 

Ahh. That's right. Well I gotta go. At the airport! Text you later! -L

We exchanged goodbyes and I hang up. I get to the airport & go through customs. By the time that's done, I have an hour of downtime so I head to the little store to get some snacks & magazines. Soon the hour is over and I'm on the plane to the United Kingdom.

Niall's POV- London, UK 

Ugh. Gabby is driving me crazy. I hate how management put us together! I mean, she can't even spell my name right! THERE ARE TWO L'S is what I tell her EVERY TIME! She hangs out with us almost every day and she STILL thinks that there are only FOUR of us in the band. I swear if we didn't live in the UK she'd think we were from America. Heck when she first met Zayn she thought he was from SPAIN! "NIALL!! I want some ice cream!" Gabby whines to me. I hate it when she whines at me. What does she think she is? A fucking horse? She sounds like one though. "Fine. Here, go get you some. I'm going out with the lads. See you later." I hand her a few pounds, grab my snapback and head out the door. Instead of going to Liam's, I drive to town.

I stand in front of the double doors of Modest! Management. I push through and walk right up to the CEO's office. "Oh. Hello Niall. What can I do for you?" Mr. Richards asks me. "I want to break up with Gabby. I hate it. I'm not happy and I can't keep up with it--" "Okay. Break up." I keep babbling on before I realize what Mr. Richards told me. "Really? Awesome. Thanks Mr. Richards." I get up to leave. "Niall." I turn back around. I knew it wouldn't be that easy. "Yeah. Break up with Gabby. But you may not, under ANY circumstances date the girl who comes to live with you guys for a year. I don't want any drama." he says his voice stern. I nod and he waves me away. Really? I haven't even met the girl and I can't date her? At least I get to break up with Gabby. She won't know what's hit her.

A/N:: Gabby is actually based off of a real legit person. A friend of mine had the,er, pleasure of meeting her and she honestly could not spell Niall or Louis' name. Her fave song by 1D was That's What Makes You Beautiful. She thought Louis had braces & was pitchy. Plus she thought that Zayn was from Spain & there are only 4 people in the band. Let's just say my Directioner friend ripped her Directionator friend a new one. Especially when she called Danielle ugly. Even I would've ripped her a new one. Anyways. Lemme know what you guys think of this story! I'm really excited about it! Much love!xx -Amanda

The Contest (A One Direction/ Josh Devine Fanfic) (Officially Finished)Where stories live. Discover now